All URIs are relative to
Method | HTTP request | Description |
CustomPricesPost | POST /custom-prices | POST |
CustomPricesProductidCustomeridDelete | DELETE /custom-prices?ProductID={ProductID}&CustomerID={CustomerID} | DELETE |
CustomPricesPut | PUT /custom-prices | PUT |
Get | GET /reference/shipZonesEnabled | Get |
ProductSuppliersPost | POST /product-suppliers | POST |
ProductSuppliersProductidGet | GET /product-suppliers?ProductID={ProductID} | GET |
ProductSuppliersProductidSupplieridDelete | DELETE /product-suppliers?ProductID={ProductID}&SupplierID={SupplierID} | DELETE |
ProductSuppliersPut | PUT /product-suppliers | PUT |
ReferenceDealsIdPgLmtSrchGet | GET /reference/deals?ID={ID}&Page={Page}&Limit={Limit}&Search={Search} | GET |
ReferenceDealsPost | POST /reference/deals | POST |
ReferenceDealsPut | PUT /reference/deals | PUT |
ReferenceDiscountIdPgLmtSrchGet | GET /reference/discount?ID={ID}&Page={Page}&Limit={Limit}&Search={Search} | GET |
ReferenceDiscountPost | POST /reference/discount | POST |
ReferenceDiscountPut | PUT /reference/discount | PUT |
ReferenceShipzonesIdPgLmtSrchGet | GET /reference/shipZones?ID={ID}&Page={Page}&Limit={Limit}&Search={Search} | GET |
ReferenceShipzonesPost | POST /reference/shipZones | POST |
ReferenceShipzonesPut | PUT /reference/shipZones | PUT |
ReferenceShipzonesShipzoneidDelete | DELETE /reference/shipZones?ShipZoneID ={ShipZoneID} | Delete |
Update | PUT /reference/shipZonesEnabled | Update |
CustomPricesPut200Response CustomPricesPost (string? apiAuthAccountid = null, string? apiAuthApplicationkey = null, CustomPricesPutRequest? customPricesPutRequest = null)
- Method will create new Customer specific prices for specified products.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using CIN7.DearInventory.Api;
using CIN7.DearInventory.Client;
using CIN7.DearInventory.Model;
namespace Example
public class CustomPricesPostExample
public static void Main()
Configuration config = new Configuration();
config.BasePath = "";
var apiInstance = new ReferenceBooksApi(config);
var apiAuthAccountid = 704ef231-cd93-49c9-a201-26b4b5d0d35b; // string? | e.g. 704ef231-cd93-49c9-a201-26b4b5d0d35b (optional)
var apiAuthApplicationkey = 0342a546-e0c2-0dff-f0be-6a5e17154033; // string? | e.g. 0342a546-e0c2-0dff-f0be-6a5e17154033 (optional)
var customPricesPutRequest = new CustomPricesPutRequest?(); // CustomPricesPutRequest? | (optional)
CustomPricesPut200Response result = apiInstance.CustomPricesPost(apiAuthAccountid, apiAuthApplicationkey, customPricesPutRequest);
catch (ApiException e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling ReferenceBooksApi.CustomPricesPost: " + e.Message);
Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);
This returns an ApiResponse object which contains the response data, status code and headers.
ApiResponse<CustomPricesPut200Response> response = apiInstance.CustomPricesPostWithHttpInfo(apiAuthAccountid, apiAuthApplicationkey, customPricesPutRequest);
Debug.Write("Status Code: " + response.StatusCode);
Debug.Write("Response Headers: " + response.Headers);
Debug.Write("Response Body: " + response.Data);
catch (ApiException e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling ReferenceBooksApi.CustomPricesPostWithHttpInfo: " + e.Message);
Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
apiAuthAccountid | string? | e.g. 704ef231-cd93-49c9-a201-26b4b5d0d35b | [optional] |
apiAuthApplicationkey | string? | e.g. 0342a546-e0c2-0dff-f0be-6a5e17154033 | [optional] |
customPricesPutRequest | CustomPricesPutRequest? | [optional] |
No authorization required
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
Status code | Description | Response headers |
200 | OK | - |
[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]
void CustomPricesProductidCustomeridDelete (string productID, string customerID, string? apiAuthAccountid = null, string? apiAuthApplicationkey = null)
- Method will delete specified Production BOM of specified product.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using CIN7.DearInventory.Api;
using CIN7.DearInventory.Client;
using CIN7.DearInventory.Model;
namespace Example
public class CustomPricesProductidCustomeridDeleteExample
public static void Main()
Configuration config = new Configuration();
config.BasePath = "";
var apiInstance = new ReferenceBooksApi(config);
var productID = "productID_example"; // string | Identifier of the Product whose Custom Price will be deleted
var customerID = "customerID_example"; // string | Identifier of a Customer whose Custom Price will be deleted
var apiAuthAccountid = 704ef231-cd93-49c9-a201-26b4b5d0d35b; // string? | e.g. 704ef231-cd93-49c9-a201-26b4b5d0d35b (optional)
var apiAuthApplicationkey = 0342a546-e0c2-0dff-f0be-6a5e17154033; // string? | e.g. 0342a546-e0c2-0dff-f0be-6a5e17154033 (optional)
apiInstance.CustomPricesProductidCustomeridDelete(productID, customerID, apiAuthAccountid, apiAuthApplicationkey);
catch (ApiException e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling ReferenceBooksApi.CustomPricesProductidCustomeridDelete: " + e.Message);
Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);
This returns an ApiResponse object which contains the response data, status code and headers.
apiInstance.CustomPricesProductidCustomeridDeleteWithHttpInfo(productID, customerID, apiAuthAccountid, apiAuthApplicationkey);
catch (ApiException e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling ReferenceBooksApi.CustomPricesProductidCustomeridDeleteWithHttpInfo: " + e.Message);
Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
productID | string | Identifier of the Product whose Custom Price will be deleted | |
customerID | string | Identifier of a Customer whose Custom Price will be deleted | |
apiAuthAccountid | string? | e.g. 704ef231-cd93-49c9-a201-26b4b5d0d35b | [optional] |
apiAuthApplicationkey | string? | e.g. 0342a546-e0c2-0dff-f0be-6a5e17154033 | [optional] |
void (empty response body)
No authorization required
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: Not defined
Status code | Description | Response headers |
200 | OK | - |
[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]
CustomPricesPut200Response CustomPricesPut (string? apiAuthAccountid = null, string? apiAuthApplicationkey = null, CustomPricesPutRequest? customPricesPutRequest = null)
- Method will update Production BOM for specified product.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using CIN7.DearInventory.Api;
using CIN7.DearInventory.Client;
using CIN7.DearInventory.Model;
namespace Example
public class CustomPricesPutExample
public static void Main()
Configuration config = new Configuration();
config.BasePath = "";
var apiInstance = new ReferenceBooksApi(config);
var apiAuthAccountid = 704ef231-cd93-49c9-a201-26b4b5d0d35b; // string? | e.g. 704ef231-cd93-49c9-a201-26b4b5d0d35b (optional)
var apiAuthApplicationkey = 0342a546-e0c2-0dff-f0be-6a5e17154033; // string? | e.g. 0342a546-e0c2-0dff-f0be-6a5e17154033 (optional)
var customPricesPutRequest = new CustomPricesPutRequest?(); // CustomPricesPutRequest? | (optional)
// PUT
CustomPricesPut200Response result = apiInstance.CustomPricesPut(apiAuthAccountid, apiAuthApplicationkey, customPricesPutRequest);
catch (ApiException e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling ReferenceBooksApi.CustomPricesPut: " + e.Message);
Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);
This returns an ApiResponse object which contains the response data, status code and headers.
// PUT
ApiResponse<CustomPricesPut200Response> response = apiInstance.CustomPricesPutWithHttpInfo(apiAuthAccountid, apiAuthApplicationkey, customPricesPutRequest);
Debug.Write("Status Code: " + response.StatusCode);
Debug.Write("Response Headers: " + response.Headers);
Debug.Write("Response Body: " + response.Data);
catch (ApiException e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling ReferenceBooksApi.CustomPricesPutWithHttpInfo: " + e.Message);
Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
apiAuthAccountid | string? | e.g. 704ef231-cd93-49c9-a201-26b4b5d0d35b | [optional] |
apiAuthApplicationkey | string? | e.g. 0342a546-e0c2-0dff-f0be-6a5e17154033 | [optional] |
customPricesPutRequest | CustomPricesPutRequest? | [optional] |
No authorization required
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
Status code | Description | Response headers |
200 | OK | - |
[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]
Get200Response Get (string? apiAuthAccountid = null, string? apiAuthApplicationkey = null)
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using CIN7.DearInventory.Api;
using CIN7.DearInventory.Client;
using CIN7.DearInventory.Model;
namespace Example
public class GetExample
public static void Main()
Configuration config = new Configuration();
config.BasePath = "";
var apiInstance = new ReferenceBooksApi(config);
var apiAuthAccountid = 704ef231-cd93-49c9-a201-26b4b5d0d35b; // string? | e.g. 704ef231-cd93-49c9-a201-26b4b5d0d35b (optional)
var apiAuthApplicationkey = 0342a546-e0c2-0dff-f0be-6a5e17154033; // string? | e.g. 0342a546-e0c2-0dff-f0be-6a5e17154033 (optional)
// Get
Get200Response result = apiInstance.Get(apiAuthAccountid, apiAuthApplicationkey);
catch (ApiException e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling ReferenceBooksApi.Get: " + e.Message);
Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);
This returns an ApiResponse object which contains the response data, status code and headers.
// Get
ApiResponse<Get200Response> response = apiInstance.GetWithHttpInfo(apiAuthAccountid, apiAuthApplicationkey);
Debug.Write("Status Code: " + response.StatusCode);
Debug.Write("Response Headers: " + response.Headers);
Debug.Write("Response Body: " + response.Data);
catch (ApiException e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling ReferenceBooksApi.GetWithHttpInfo: " + e.Message);
Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
apiAuthAccountid | string? | e.g. 704ef231-cd93-49c9-a201-26b4b5d0d35b | [optional] |
apiAuthApplicationkey | string? | e.g. 0342a546-e0c2-0dff-f0be-6a5e17154033 | [optional] |
No authorization required
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Status code | Description | Response headers |
200 | OK | - |
[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]
MeAddressesIdDelete200Response ProductSuppliersPost (string? apiAuthAccountid = null, string? apiAuthApplicationkey = null, ProductSuppliersPostRequest? productSuppliersPostRequest = null)
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using CIN7.DearInventory.Api;
using CIN7.DearInventory.Client;
using CIN7.DearInventory.Model;
namespace Example
public class ProductSuppliersPostExample
public static void Main()
Configuration config = new Configuration();
config.BasePath = "";
var apiInstance = new ReferenceBooksApi(config);
var apiAuthAccountid = 704ef231-cd93-49c9-a201-26b4b5d0d35b; // string? | e.g. 704ef231-cd93-49c9-a201-26b4b5d0d35b (optional)
var apiAuthApplicationkey = 0342a546-e0c2-0dff-f0be-6a5e17154033; // string? | e.g. 0342a546-e0c2-0dff-f0be-6a5e17154033 (optional)
var productSuppliersPostRequest = new ProductSuppliersPostRequest?(); // ProductSuppliersPostRequest? | (optional)
MeAddressesIdDelete200Response result = apiInstance.ProductSuppliersPost(apiAuthAccountid, apiAuthApplicationkey, productSuppliersPostRequest);
catch (ApiException e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling ReferenceBooksApi.ProductSuppliersPost: " + e.Message);
Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);
This returns an ApiResponse object which contains the response data, status code and headers.
ApiResponse<MeAddressesIdDelete200Response> response = apiInstance.ProductSuppliersPostWithHttpInfo(apiAuthAccountid, apiAuthApplicationkey, productSuppliersPostRequest);
Debug.Write("Status Code: " + response.StatusCode);
Debug.Write("Response Headers: " + response.Headers);
Debug.Write("Response Body: " + response.Data);
catch (ApiException e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling ReferenceBooksApi.ProductSuppliersPostWithHttpInfo: " + e.Message);
Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
apiAuthAccountid | string? | e.g. 704ef231-cd93-49c9-a201-26b4b5d0d35b | [optional] |
apiAuthApplicationkey | string? | e.g. 0342a546-e0c2-0dff-f0be-6a5e17154033 | [optional] |
productSuppliersPostRequest | ProductSuppliersPostRequest? | [optional] |
No authorization required
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
Status code | Description | Response headers |
200 | OK | - |
[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]
ProductSuppliersProductidGet200Response ProductSuppliersProductidGet (string productID, string? apiAuthAccountid = null, string? apiAuthApplicationkey = null)
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using CIN7.DearInventory.Api;
using CIN7.DearInventory.Client;
using CIN7.DearInventory.Model;
namespace Example
public class ProductSuppliersProductidGetExample
public static void Main()
Configuration config = new Configuration();
config.BasePath = "";
var apiInstance = new ReferenceBooksApi(config);
var productID = "productID_example"; // string | Return product suppliers of a particular Product
var apiAuthAccountid = 704ef231-cd93-49c9-a201-26b4b5d0d35b; // string? | e.g. 704ef231-cd93-49c9-a201-26b4b5d0d35b (optional)
var apiAuthApplicationkey = 0342a546-e0c2-0dff-f0be-6a5e17154033; // string? | e.g. 0342a546-e0c2-0dff-f0be-6a5e17154033 (optional)
// GET
ProductSuppliersProductidGet200Response result = apiInstance.ProductSuppliersProductidGet(productID, apiAuthAccountid, apiAuthApplicationkey);
catch (ApiException e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling ReferenceBooksApi.ProductSuppliersProductidGet: " + e.Message);
Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);
This returns an ApiResponse object which contains the response data, status code and headers.
// GET
ApiResponse<ProductSuppliersProductidGet200Response> response = apiInstance.ProductSuppliersProductidGetWithHttpInfo(productID, apiAuthAccountid, apiAuthApplicationkey);
Debug.Write("Status Code: " + response.StatusCode);
Debug.Write("Response Headers: " + response.Headers);
Debug.Write("Response Body: " + response.Data);
catch (ApiException e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling ReferenceBooksApi.ProductSuppliersProductidGetWithHttpInfo: " + e.Message);
Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
productID | string | Return product suppliers of a particular Product | |
apiAuthAccountid | string? | e.g. 704ef231-cd93-49c9-a201-26b4b5d0d35b | [optional] |
apiAuthApplicationkey | string? | e.g. 0342a546-e0c2-0dff-f0be-6a5e17154033 | [optional] |
No authorization required
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Status code | Description | Response headers |
200 | OK | - |
[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]
void ProductSuppliersProductidSupplieridDelete (string productID, string supplierID, string? apiAuthAccountid = null, string? apiAuthApplicationkey = null)
- Method will delete specified Product Supplier settings with their Options and Intervals.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using CIN7.DearInventory.Api;
using CIN7.DearInventory.Client;
using CIN7.DearInventory.Model;
namespace Example
public class ProductSuppliersProductidSupplieridDeleteExample
public static void Main()
Configuration config = new Configuration();
config.BasePath = "";
var apiInstance = new ReferenceBooksApi(config);
var productID = "productID_example"; // string | Identifier of the Product
var supplierID = "supplierID_example"; // string | Identifier of a Supplier
var apiAuthAccountid = 704ef231-cd93-49c9-a201-26b4b5d0d35b; // string? | e.g. 704ef231-cd93-49c9-a201-26b4b5d0d35b (optional)
var apiAuthApplicationkey = 0342a546-e0c2-0dff-f0be-6a5e17154033; // string? | e.g. 0342a546-e0c2-0dff-f0be-6a5e17154033 (optional)
apiInstance.ProductSuppliersProductidSupplieridDelete(productID, supplierID, apiAuthAccountid, apiAuthApplicationkey);
catch (ApiException e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling ReferenceBooksApi.ProductSuppliersProductidSupplieridDelete: " + e.Message);
Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);
This returns an ApiResponse object which contains the response data, status code and headers.
apiInstance.ProductSuppliersProductidSupplieridDeleteWithHttpInfo(productID, supplierID, apiAuthAccountid, apiAuthApplicationkey);
catch (ApiException e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling ReferenceBooksApi.ProductSuppliersProductidSupplieridDeleteWithHttpInfo: " + e.Message);
Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
productID | string | Identifier of the Product | |
supplierID | string | Identifier of a Supplier | |
apiAuthAccountid | string? | e.g. 704ef231-cd93-49c9-a201-26b4b5d0d35b | [optional] |
apiAuthApplicationkey | string? | e.g. 0342a546-e0c2-0dff-f0be-6a5e17154033 | [optional] |
void (empty response body)
No authorization required
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: Not defined
Status code | Description | Response headers |
200 | OK | - |
[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]
MeAddressesIdDelete200Response ProductSuppliersPut (string? apiAuthAccountid = null, string? apiAuthApplicationkey = null, ProductSuppliersPutRequest? productSuppliersPutRequest = null)
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using CIN7.DearInventory.Api;
using CIN7.DearInventory.Client;
using CIN7.DearInventory.Model;
namespace Example
public class ProductSuppliersPutExample
public static void Main()
Configuration config = new Configuration();
config.BasePath = "";
var apiInstance = new ReferenceBooksApi(config);
var apiAuthAccountid = 704ef231-cd93-49c9-a201-26b4b5d0d35b; // string? | e.g. 704ef231-cd93-49c9-a201-26b4b5d0d35b (optional)
var apiAuthApplicationkey = 0342a546-e0c2-0dff-f0be-6a5e17154033; // string? | e.g. 0342a546-e0c2-0dff-f0be-6a5e17154033 (optional)
var productSuppliersPutRequest = new ProductSuppliersPutRequest?(); // ProductSuppliersPutRequest? | (optional)
// PUT
MeAddressesIdDelete200Response result = apiInstance.ProductSuppliersPut(apiAuthAccountid, apiAuthApplicationkey, productSuppliersPutRequest);
catch (ApiException e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling ReferenceBooksApi.ProductSuppliersPut: " + e.Message);
Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);
This returns an ApiResponse object which contains the response data, status code and headers.
// PUT
ApiResponse<MeAddressesIdDelete200Response> response = apiInstance.ProductSuppliersPutWithHttpInfo(apiAuthAccountid, apiAuthApplicationkey, productSuppliersPutRequest);
Debug.Write("Status Code: " + response.StatusCode);
Debug.Write("Response Headers: " + response.Headers);
Debug.Write("Response Body: " + response.Data);
catch (ApiException e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling ReferenceBooksApi.ProductSuppliersPutWithHttpInfo: " + e.Message);
Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
apiAuthAccountid | string? | e.g. 704ef231-cd93-49c9-a201-26b4b5d0d35b | [optional] |
apiAuthApplicationkey | string? | e.g. 0342a546-e0c2-0dff-f0be-6a5e17154033 | [optional] |
productSuppliersPutRequest | ProductSuppliersPutRequest? | [optional] |
No authorization required
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
Status code | Description | Response headers |
200 | OK | - |
[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]
ReferenceDealsIdPgLmtSrchGet200Response ReferenceDealsIdPgLmtSrchGet (string ID, decimal page, decimal limit, string search, string? apiAuthAccountid = null, string? apiAuthApplicationkey = null)
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using CIN7.DearInventory.Api;
using CIN7.DearInventory.Client;
using CIN7.DearInventory.Model;
namespace Example
public class ReferenceDealsIdPgLmtSrchGetExample
public static void Main()
Configuration config = new Configuration();
config.BasePath = "";
var apiInstance = new ReferenceBooksApi(config);
var ID = "ID_example"; // string | Returns detailed info of a particular Product Deal
var page = 8.14D; // decimal | Page (Default: 1)
var limit = 8.14D; // decimal | Specifies the page size for pagination. Default page size is 25 (Default: 25)
var search = "search_example"; // string | Only return Product Deal that have the provided text in Name (Default: not set)
var apiAuthAccountid = 704ef231-cd93-49c9-a201-26b4b5d0d35b; // string? | e.g. 704ef231-cd93-49c9-a201-26b4b5d0d35b (optional)
var apiAuthApplicationkey = 0342a546-e0c2-0dff-f0be-6a5e17154033; // string? | e.g. 0342a546-e0c2-0dff-f0be-6a5e17154033 (optional)
// GET
ReferenceDealsIdPgLmtSrchGet200Response result = apiInstance.ReferenceDealsIdPgLmtSrchGet(ID, page, limit, search, apiAuthAccountid, apiAuthApplicationkey);
catch (ApiException e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling ReferenceBooksApi.ReferenceDealsIdPgLmtSrchGet: " + e.Message);
Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);
This returns an ApiResponse object which contains the response data, status code and headers.
// GET
ApiResponse<ReferenceDealsIdPgLmtSrchGet200Response> response = apiInstance.ReferenceDealsIdPgLmtSrchGetWithHttpInfo(ID, page, limit, search, apiAuthAccountid, apiAuthApplicationkey);
Debug.Write("Status Code: " + response.StatusCode);
Debug.Write("Response Headers: " + response.Headers);
Debug.Write("Response Body: " + response.Data);
catch (ApiException e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling ReferenceBooksApi.ReferenceDealsIdPgLmtSrchGetWithHttpInfo: " + e.Message);
Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ID | string | Returns detailed info of a particular Product Deal | |
page | decimal | Page (Default: 1) | |
limit | decimal | Specifies the page size for pagination. Default page size is 25 (Default: 25) | |
search | string | Only return Product Deal that have the provided text in Name (Default: not set) | |
apiAuthAccountid | string? | e.g. 704ef231-cd93-49c9-a201-26b4b5d0d35b | [optional] |
apiAuthApplicationkey | string? | e.g. 0342a546-e0c2-0dff-f0be-6a5e17154033 | [optional] |
No authorization required
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Status code | Description | Response headers |
200 | OK | - |
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ReferenceDealsPost200Response ReferenceDealsPost (string? apiAuthAccountid = null, string? apiAuthApplicationkey = null, ReferenceDealsPostRequest? referenceDealsPostRequest = null)
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using CIN7.DearInventory.Api;
using CIN7.DearInventory.Client;
using CIN7.DearInventory.Model;
namespace Example
public class ReferenceDealsPostExample
public static void Main()
Configuration config = new Configuration();
config.BasePath = "";
var apiInstance = new ReferenceBooksApi(config);
var apiAuthAccountid = 704ef231-cd93-49c9-a201-26b4b5d0d35b; // string? | e.g. 704ef231-cd93-49c9-a201-26b4b5d0d35b (optional)
var apiAuthApplicationkey = 0342a546-e0c2-0dff-f0be-6a5e17154033; // string? | e.g. 0342a546-e0c2-0dff-f0be-6a5e17154033 (optional)
var referenceDealsPostRequest = new ReferenceDealsPostRequest?(); // ReferenceDealsPostRequest? | (optional)
ReferenceDealsPost200Response result = apiInstance.ReferenceDealsPost(apiAuthAccountid, apiAuthApplicationkey, referenceDealsPostRequest);
catch (ApiException e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling ReferenceBooksApi.ReferenceDealsPost: " + e.Message);
Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);
This returns an ApiResponse object which contains the response data, status code and headers.
ApiResponse<ReferenceDealsPost200Response> response = apiInstance.ReferenceDealsPostWithHttpInfo(apiAuthAccountid, apiAuthApplicationkey, referenceDealsPostRequest);
Debug.Write("Status Code: " + response.StatusCode);
Debug.Write("Response Headers: " + response.Headers);
Debug.Write("Response Body: " + response.Data);
catch (ApiException e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling ReferenceBooksApi.ReferenceDealsPostWithHttpInfo: " + e.Message);
Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
apiAuthAccountid | string? | e.g. 704ef231-cd93-49c9-a201-26b4b5d0d35b | [optional] |
apiAuthApplicationkey | string? | e.g. 0342a546-e0c2-0dff-f0be-6a5e17154033 | [optional] |
referenceDealsPostRequest | ReferenceDealsPostRequest? | [optional] |
No authorization required
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
Status code | Description | Response headers |
200 | OK | - |
[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]
ReferenceDealsPut200Response ReferenceDealsPut (string? apiAuthAccountid = null, string? apiAuthApplicationkey = null, ReferenceDealsPutRequest? referenceDealsPutRequest = null)
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using CIN7.DearInventory.Api;
using CIN7.DearInventory.Client;
using CIN7.DearInventory.Model;
namespace Example
public class ReferenceDealsPutExample
public static void Main()
Configuration config = new Configuration();
config.BasePath = "";
var apiInstance = new ReferenceBooksApi(config);
var apiAuthAccountid = 704ef231-cd93-49c9-a201-26b4b5d0d35b; // string? | e.g. 704ef231-cd93-49c9-a201-26b4b5d0d35b (optional)
var apiAuthApplicationkey = 0342a546-e0c2-0dff-f0be-6a5e17154033; // string? | e.g. 0342a546-e0c2-0dff-f0be-6a5e17154033 (optional)
var referenceDealsPutRequest = new ReferenceDealsPutRequest?(); // ReferenceDealsPutRequest? | (optional)
// PUT
ReferenceDealsPut200Response result = apiInstance.ReferenceDealsPut(apiAuthAccountid, apiAuthApplicationkey, referenceDealsPutRequest);
catch (ApiException e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling ReferenceBooksApi.ReferenceDealsPut: " + e.Message);
Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);
This returns an ApiResponse object which contains the response data, status code and headers.
// PUT
ApiResponse<ReferenceDealsPut200Response> response = apiInstance.ReferenceDealsPutWithHttpInfo(apiAuthAccountid, apiAuthApplicationkey, referenceDealsPutRequest);
Debug.Write("Status Code: " + response.StatusCode);
Debug.Write("Response Headers: " + response.Headers);
Debug.Write("Response Body: " + response.Data);
catch (ApiException e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling ReferenceBooksApi.ReferenceDealsPutWithHttpInfo: " + e.Message);
Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
apiAuthAccountid | string? | e.g. 704ef231-cd93-49c9-a201-26b4b5d0d35b | [optional] |
apiAuthApplicationkey | string? | e.g. 0342a546-e0c2-0dff-f0be-6a5e17154033 | [optional] |
referenceDealsPutRequest | ReferenceDealsPutRequest? | [optional] |
No authorization required
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
Status code | Description | Response headers |
200 | OK | - |
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ReferenceDiscountIdPgLmtSrchGet200Response ReferenceDiscountIdPgLmtSrchGet (string ID, decimal page, decimal limit, string search, string? apiAuthAccountid = null, string? apiAuthApplicationkey = null)
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using CIN7.DearInventory.Api;
using CIN7.DearInventory.Client;
using CIN7.DearInventory.Model;
namespace Example
public class ReferenceDiscountIdPgLmtSrchGetExample
public static void Main()
Configuration config = new Configuration();
config.BasePath = "";
var apiInstance = new ReferenceBooksApi(config);
var ID = "ID_example"; // string | Returns detailed info of a particular Discount Rule
var page = 8.14D; // decimal | Page (Default: 1)
var limit = 8.14D; // decimal | Specifies the page size for pagination. Default page size is 25 (Default: 25)
var search = "search_example"; // string | Only return Discount Rules that have the provided text in Name (Default: not set)
var apiAuthAccountid = 704ef231-cd93-49c9-a201-26b4b5d0d35b; // string? | e.g. 704ef231-cd93-49c9-a201-26b4b5d0d35b (optional)
var apiAuthApplicationkey = 0342a546-e0c2-0dff-f0be-6a5e17154033; // string? | e.g. 0342a546-e0c2-0dff-f0be-6a5e17154033 (optional)
// GET
ReferenceDiscountIdPgLmtSrchGet200Response result = apiInstance.ReferenceDiscountIdPgLmtSrchGet(ID, page, limit, search, apiAuthAccountid, apiAuthApplicationkey);
catch (ApiException e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling ReferenceBooksApi.ReferenceDiscountIdPgLmtSrchGet: " + e.Message);
Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);
This returns an ApiResponse object which contains the response data, status code and headers.
// GET
ApiResponse<ReferenceDiscountIdPgLmtSrchGet200Response> response = apiInstance.ReferenceDiscountIdPgLmtSrchGetWithHttpInfo(ID, page, limit, search, apiAuthAccountid, apiAuthApplicationkey);
Debug.Write("Status Code: " + response.StatusCode);
Debug.Write("Response Headers: " + response.Headers);
Debug.Write("Response Body: " + response.Data);
catch (ApiException e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling ReferenceBooksApi.ReferenceDiscountIdPgLmtSrchGetWithHttpInfo: " + e.Message);
Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ID | string | Returns detailed info of a particular Discount Rule | |
page | decimal | Page (Default: 1) | |
limit | decimal | Specifies the page size for pagination. Default page size is 25 (Default: 25) | |
search | string | Only return Discount Rules that have the provided text in Name (Default: not set) | |
apiAuthAccountid | string? | e.g. 704ef231-cd93-49c9-a201-26b4b5d0d35b | [optional] |
apiAuthApplicationkey | string? | e.g. 0342a546-e0c2-0dff-f0be-6a5e17154033 | [optional] |
No authorization required
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Status code | Description | Response headers |
200 | OK | - |
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ReferenceDiscountPost200Response ReferenceDiscountPost (string? apiAuthAccountid = null, string? apiAuthApplicationkey = null, ReferenceDiscountPostRequest? referenceDiscountPostRequest = null)
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using CIN7.DearInventory.Api;
using CIN7.DearInventory.Client;
using CIN7.DearInventory.Model;
namespace Example
public class ReferenceDiscountPostExample
public static void Main()
Configuration config = new Configuration();
config.BasePath = "";
var apiInstance = new ReferenceBooksApi(config);
var apiAuthAccountid = 704ef231-cd93-49c9-a201-26b4b5d0d35b; // string? | e.g. 704ef231-cd93-49c9-a201-26b4b5d0d35b (optional)
var apiAuthApplicationkey = 0342a546-e0c2-0dff-f0be-6a5e17154033; // string? | e.g. 0342a546-e0c2-0dff-f0be-6a5e17154033 (optional)
var referenceDiscountPostRequest = new ReferenceDiscountPostRequest?(); // ReferenceDiscountPostRequest? | (optional)
ReferenceDiscountPost200Response result = apiInstance.ReferenceDiscountPost(apiAuthAccountid, apiAuthApplicationkey, referenceDiscountPostRequest);
catch (ApiException e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling ReferenceBooksApi.ReferenceDiscountPost: " + e.Message);
Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);
This returns an ApiResponse object which contains the response data, status code and headers.
ApiResponse<ReferenceDiscountPost200Response> response = apiInstance.ReferenceDiscountPostWithHttpInfo(apiAuthAccountid, apiAuthApplicationkey, referenceDiscountPostRequest);
Debug.Write("Status Code: " + response.StatusCode);
Debug.Write("Response Headers: " + response.Headers);
Debug.Write("Response Body: " + response.Data);
catch (ApiException e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling ReferenceBooksApi.ReferenceDiscountPostWithHttpInfo: " + e.Message);
Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
apiAuthAccountid | string? | e.g. 704ef231-cd93-49c9-a201-26b4b5d0d35b | [optional] |
apiAuthApplicationkey | string? | e.g. 0342a546-e0c2-0dff-f0be-6a5e17154033 | [optional] |
referenceDiscountPostRequest | ReferenceDiscountPostRequest? | [optional] |
No authorization required
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
Status code | Description | Response headers |
200 | OK | - |
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ReferenceDiscountPut200Response ReferenceDiscountPut (string? apiAuthAccountid = null, string? apiAuthApplicationkey = null, ReferenceDiscountPutRequest? referenceDiscountPutRequest = null)
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using CIN7.DearInventory.Api;
using CIN7.DearInventory.Client;
using CIN7.DearInventory.Model;
namespace Example
public class ReferenceDiscountPutExample
public static void Main()
Configuration config = new Configuration();
config.BasePath = "";
var apiInstance = new ReferenceBooksApi(config);
var apiAuthAccountid = 704ef231-cd93-49c9-a201-26b4b5d0d35b; // string? | e.g. 704ef231-cd93-49c9-a201-26b4b5d0d35b (optional)
var apiAuthApplicationkey = 0342a546-e0c2-0dff-f0be-6a5e17154033; // string? | e.g. 0342a546-e0c2-0dff-f0be-6a5e17154033 (optional)
var referenceDiscountPutRequest = new ReferenceDiscountPutRequest?(); // ReferenceDiscountPutRequest? | (optional)
// PUT
ReferenceDiscountPut200Response result = apiInstance.ReferenceDiscountPut(apiAuthAccountid, apiAuthApplicationkey, referenceDiscountPutRequest);
catch (ApiException e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling ReferenceBooksApi.ReferenceDiscountPut: " + e.Message);
Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);
This returns an ApiResponse object which contains the response data, status code and headers.
// PUT
ApiResponse<ReferenceDiscountPut200Response> response = apiInstance.ReferenceDiscountPutWithHttpInfo(apiAuthAccountid, apiAuthApplicationkey, referenceDiscountPutRequest);
Debug.Write("Status Code: " + response.StatusCode);
Debug.Write("Response Headers: " + response.Headers);
Debug.Write("Response Body: " + response.Data);
catch (ApiException e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling ReferenceBooksApi.ReferenceDiscountPutWithHttpInfo: " + e.Message);
Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
apiAuthAccountid | string? | e.g. 704ef231-cd93-49c9-a201-26b4b5d0d35b | [optional] |
apiAuthApplicationkey | string? | e.g. 0342a546-e0c2-0dff-f0be-6a5e17154033 | [optional] |
referenceDiscountPutRequest | ReferenceDiscountPutRequest? | [optional] |
No authorization required
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
Status code | Description | Response headers |
200 | OK | - |
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ReferenceShipzonesIdPgLmtSrchGet200Response ReferenceShipzonesIdPgLmtSrchGet (string ID, decimal page, decimal limit, string search, string? apiAuthAccountid = null, string? apiAuthApplicationkey = null)
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using CIN7.DearInventory.Api;
using CIN7.DearInventory.Client;
using CIN7.DearInventory.Model;
namespace Example
public class ReferenceShipzonesIdPgLmtSrchGetExample
public static void Main()
Configuration config = new Configuration();
config.BasePath = "";
var apiInstance = new ReferenceBooksApi(config);
var ID = "ID_example"; // string | Returns detailed info of a particular Shipping zone
var page = 8.14D; // decimal | Page (Default: 1)
var limit = 8.14D; // decimal | Specifies the page size for pagination. Default page size is 25 (Default: 25)
var search = "search_example"; // string | Only return Shiping Zones that have the provided text in Name (Default: not set)
var apiAuthAccountid = 704ef231-cd93-49c9-a201-26b4b5d0d35b; // string? | e.g. 704ef231-cd93-49c9-a201-26b4b5d0d35b (optional)
var apiAuthApplicationkey = 0342a546-e0c2-0dff-f0be-6a5e17154033; // string? | e.g. 0342a546-e0c2-0dff-f0be-6a5e17154033 (optional)
// GET
ReferenceShipzonesIdPgLmtSrchGet200Response result = apiInstance.ReferenceShipzonesIdPgLmtSrchGet(ID, page, limit, search, apiAuthAccountid, apiAuthApplicationkey);
catch (ApiException e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling ReferenceBooksApi.ReferenceShipzonesIdPgLmtSrchGet: " + e.Message);
Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);
This returns an ApiResponse object which contains the response data, status code and headers.
// GET
ApiResponse<ReferenceShipzonesIdPgLmtSrchGet200Response> response = apiInstance.ReferenceShipzonesIdPgLmtSrchGetWithHttpInfo(ID, page, limit, search, apiAuthAccountid, apiAuthApplicationkey);
Debug.Write("Status Code: " + response.StatusCode);
Debug.Write("Response Headers: " + response.Headers);
Debug.Write("Response Body: " + response.Data);
catch (ApiException e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling ReferenceBooksApi.ReferenceShipzonesIdPgLmtSrchGetWithHttpInfo: " + e.Message);
Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ID | string | Returns detailed info of a particular Shipping zone | |
page | decimal | Page (Default: 1) | |
limit | decimal | Specifies the page size for pagination. Default page size is 25 (Default: 25) | |
search | string | Only return Shiping Zones that have the provided text in Name (Default: not set) | |
apiAuthAccountid | string? | e.g. 704ef231-cd93-49c9-a201-26b4b5d0d35b | [optional] |
apiAuthApplicationkey | string? | e.g. 0342a546-e0c2-0dff-f0be-6a5e17154033 | [optional] |
No authorization required
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Status code | Description | Response headers |
200 | OK | - |
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ReferenceShipzonesPost200Response ReferenceShipzonesPost (string? apiAuthAccountid = null, string? apiAuthApplicationkey = null, ReferenceShipzonesPostRequest? referenceShipzonesPostRequest = null)
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using CIN7.DearInventory.Api;
using CIN7.DearInventory.Client;
using CIN7.DearInventory.Model;
namespace Example
public class ReferenceShipzonesPostExample
public static void Main()
Configuration config = new Configuration();
config.BasePath = "";
var apiInstance = new ReferenceBooksApi(config);
var apiAuthAccountid = 704ef231-cd93-49c9-a201-26b4b5d0d35b; // string? | e.g. 704ef231-cd93-49c9-a201-26b4b5d0d35b (optional)
var apiAuthApplicationkey = 0342a546-e0c2-0dff-f0be-6a5e17154033; // string? | e.g. 0342a546-e0c2-0dff-f0be-6a5e17154033 (optional)
var referenceShipzonesPostRequest = new ReferenceShipzonesPostRequest?(); // ReferenceShipzonesPostRequest? | (optional)
ReferenceShipzonesPost200Response result = apiInstance.ReferenceShipzonesPost(apiAuthAccountid, apiAuthApplicationkey, referenceShipzonesPostRequest);
catch (ApiException e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling ReferenceBooksApi.ReferenceShipzonesPost: " + e.Message);
Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);
This returns an ApiResponse object which contains the response data, status code and headers.
ApiResponse<ReferenceShipzonesPost200Response> response = apiInstance.ReferenceShipzonesPostWithHttpInfo(apiAuthAccountid, apiAuthApplicationkey, referenceShipzonesPostRequest);
Debug.Write("Status Code: " + response.StatusCode);
Debug.Write("Response Headers: " + response.Headers);
Debug.Write("Response Body: " + response.Data);
catch (ApiException e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling ReferenceBooksApi.ReferenceShipzonesPostWithHttpInfo: " + e.Message);
Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
apiAuthAccountid | string? | e.g. 704ef231-cd93-49c9-a201-26b4b5d0d35b | [optional] |
apiAuthApplicationkey | string? | e.g. 0342a546-e0c2-0dff-f0be-6a5e17154033 | [optional] |
referenceShipzonesPostRequest | ReferenceShipzonesPostRequest? | [optional] |
No authorization required
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
Status code | Description | Response headers |
200 | OK | - |
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ReferenceShipzonesPut200Response ReferenceShipzonesPut (string? apiAuthAccountid = null, string? apiAuthApplicationkey = null, ReferenceShipzonesPutRequest? referenceShipzonesPutRequest = null)
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using CIN7.DearInventory.Api;
using CIN7.DearInventory.Client;
using CIN7.DearInventory.Model;
namespace Example
public class ReferenceShipzonesPutExample
public static void Main()
Configuration config = new Configuration();
config.BasePath = "";
var apiInstance = new ReferenceBooksApi(config);
var apiAuthAccountid = 704ef231-cd93-49c9-a201-26b4b5d0d35b; // string? | e.g. 704ef231-cd93-49c9-a201-26b4b5d0d35b (optional)
var apiAuthApplicationkey = 0342a546-e0c2-0dff-f0be-6a5e17154033; // string? | e.g. 0342a546-e0c2-0dff-f0be-6a5e17154033 (optional)
var referenceShipzonesPutRequest = new ReferenceShipzonesPutRequest?(); // ReferenceShipzonesPutRequest? | (optional)
// PUT
ReferenceShipzonesPut200Response result = apiInstance.ReferenceShipzonesPut(apiAuthAccountid, apiAuthApplicationkey, referenceShipzonesPutRequest);
catch (ApiException e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling ReferenceBooksApi.ReferenceShipzonesPut: " + e.Message);
Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);
This returns an ApiResponse object which contains the response data, status code and headers.
// PUT
ApiResponse<ReferenceShipzonesPut200Response> response = apiInstance.ReferenceShipzonesPutWithHttpInfo(apiAuthAccountid, apiAuthApplicationkey, referenceShipzonesPutRequest);
Debug.Write("Status Code: " + response.StatusCode);
Debug.Write("Response Headers: " + response.Headers);
Debug.Write("Response Body: " + response.Data);
catch (ApiException e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling ReferenceBooksApi.ReferenceShipzonesPutWithHttpInfo: " + e.Message);
Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
apiAuthAccountid | string? | e.g. 704ef231-cd93-49c9-a201-26b4b5d0d35b | [optional] |
apiAuthApplicationkey | string? | e.g. 0342a546-e0c2-0dff-f0be-6a5e17154033 | [optional] |
referenceShipzonesPutRequest | ReferenceShipzonesPutRequest? | [optional] |
No authorization required
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
Status code | Description | Response headers |
200 | OK | - |
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MeAddressesIdDelete200Response ReferenceShipzonesShipzoneidDelete (string shipZoneID, string? apiAuthAccountid = null, string? apiAuthApplicationkey = null)
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using CIN7.DearInventory.Api;
using CIN7.DearInventory.Client;
using CIN7.DearInventory.Model;
namespace Example
public class ReferenceShipzonesShipzoneidDeleteExample
public static void Main()
Configuration config = new Configuration();
config.BasePath = "";
var apiInstance = new ReferenceBooksApi(config);
var shipZoneID = "shipZoneID_example"; // string | ID of Ship Zone to delete
var apiAuthAccountid = 704ef231-cd93-49c9-a201-26b4b5d0d35b; // string? | e.g. 704ef231-cd93-49c9-a201-26b4b5d0d35b (optional)
var apiAuthApplicationkey = 0342a546-e0c2-0dff-f0be-6a5e17154033; // string? | e.g. 0342a546-e0c2-0dff-f0be-6a5e17154033 (optional)
// Delete
MeAddressesIdDelete200Response result = apiInstance.ReferenceShipzonesShipzoneidDelete(shipZoneID, apiAuthAccountid, apiAuthApplicationkey);
catch (ApiException e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling ReferenceBooksApi.ReferenceShipzonesShipzoneidDelete: " + e.Message);
Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);
This returns an ApiResponse object which contains the response data, status code and headers.
// Delete
ApiResponse<MeAddressesIdDelete200Response> response = apiInstance.ReferenceShipzonesShipzoneidDeleteWithHttpInfo(shipZoneID, apiAuthAccountid, apiAuthApplicationkey);
Debug.Write("Status Code: " + response.StatusCode);
Debug.Write("Response Headers: " + response.Headers);
Debug.Write("Response Body: " + response.Data);
catch (ApiException e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling ReferenceBooksApi.ReferenceShipzonesShipzoneidDeleteWithHttpInfo: " + e.Message);
Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
shipZoneID | string | ID of Ship Zone to delete | |
apiAuthAccountid | string? | e.g. 704ef231-cd93-49c9-a201-26b4b5d0d35b | [optional] |
apiAuthApplicationkey | string? | e.g. 0342a546-e0c2-0dff-f0be-6a5e17154033 | [optional] |
No authorization required
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Status code | Description | Response headers |
200 | OK | - |
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UpdateRequest Update (string? apiAuthAccountid = null, string? apiAuthApplicationkey = null, UpdateRequest? updateRequest = null)
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using CIN7.DearInventory.Api;
using CIN7.DearInventory.Client;
using CIN7.DearInventory.Model;
namespace Example
public class UpdateExample
public static void Main()
Configuration config = new Configuration();
config.BasePath = "";
var apiInstance = new ReferenceBooksApi(config);
var apiAuthAccountid = 704ef231-cd93-49c9-a201-26b4b5d0d35b; // string? | e.g. 704ef231-cd93-49c9-a201-26b4b5d0d35b (optional)
var apiAuthApplicationkey = 0342a546-e0c2-0dff-f0be-6a5e17154033; // string? | e.g. 0342a546-e0c2-0dff-f0be-6a5e17154033 (optional)
var updateRequest = new UpdateRequest?(); // UpdateRequest? | (optional)
// Update
UpdateRequest result = apiInstance.Update(apiAuthAccountid, apiAuthApplicationkey, updateRequest);
catch (ApiException e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling ReferenceBooksApi.Update: " + e.Message);
Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);
This returns an ApiResponse object which contains the response data, status code and headers.
// Update
ApiResponse<UpdateRequest> response = apiInstance.UpdateWithHttpInfo(apiAuthAccountid, apiAuthApplicationkey, updateRequest);
Debug.Write("Status Code: " + response.StatusCode);
Debug.Write("Response Headers: " + response.Headers);
Debug.Write("Response Body: " + response.Data);
catch (ApiException e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling ReferenceBooksApi.UpdateWithHttpInfo: " + e.Message);
Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
apiAuthAccountid | string? | e.g. 704ef231-cd93-49c9-a201-26b4b5d0d35b | [optional] |
apiAuthApplicationkey | string? | e.g. 0342a546-e0c2-0dff-f0be-6a5e17154033 | [optional] |
updateRequest | UpdateRequest? | [optional] |
No authorization required
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
Status code | Description | Response headers |
200 | OK | - |
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