All URIs are relative to
Method | HTTP request | Description |
JournalIdVoidDelete | DELETE /journal?ID={ID}&Void={Void} | Delete |
JournalPgLmtTaskidStsSrchGet | GET /journal?Page={Page}&Limit={Limit}&TaskID={TaskID}&Status={Status}&Search={Search} | GET |
JournalPost | POST /journal | POST |
JournalPut | PUT /journal | PUT |
JournalIdVoidDelete200Response JournalIdVoidDelete (string ID, bool varVoid, string? apiAuthAccountid = null, string? apiAuthApplicationkey = null)
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using CIN7.DearInventory.Api;
using CIN7.DearInventory.Client;
using CIN7.DearInventory.Model;
namespace Example
public class JournalIdVoidDeleteExample
public static void Main()
Configuration config = new Configuration();
config.BasePath = "";
var apiInstance = new JournalApi(config);
var ID = "ID_example"; // string | ID of Jorunal to Void or Undo
var varVoid = false; // bool | (default to false)
var apiAuthAccountid = 704ef231-cd93-49c9-a201-26b4b5d0d35b; // string? | e.g. 704ef231-cd93-49c9-a201-26b4b5d0d35b (optional)
var apiAuthApplicationkey = 0342a546-e0c2-0dff-f0be-6a5e17154033; // string? | e.g. 0342a546-e0c2-0dff-f0be-6a5e17154033 (optional)
// Delete
JournalIdVoidDelete200Response result = apiInstance.JournalIdVoidDelete(ID, varVoid, apiAuthAccountid, apiAuthApplicationkey);
catch (ApiException e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling JournalApi.JournalIdVoidDelete: " + e.Message);
Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);
This returns an ApiResponse object which contains the response data, status code and headers.
// Delete
ApiResponse<JournalIdVoidDelete200Response> response = apiInstance.JournalIdVoidDeleteWithHttpInfo(ID, varVoid, apiAuthAccountid, apiAuthApplicationkey);
Debug.Write("Status Code: " + response.StatusCode);
Debug.Write("Response Headers: " + response.Headers);
Debug.Write("Response Body: " + response.Data);
catch (ApiException e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling JournalApi.JournalIdVoidDeleteWithHttpInfo: " + e.Message);
Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ID | string | ID of Jorunal to Void or Undo | |
varVoid | bool | [default to false] | |
apiAuthAccountid | string? | e.g. 704ef231-cd93-49c9-a201-26b4b5d0d35b | [optional] |
apiAuthApplicationkey | string? | e.g. 0342a546-e0c2-0dff-f0be-6a5e17154033 | [optional] |
No authorization required
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Status code | Description | Response headers |
200 | OK | - |
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JournalPgLmtTaskidStsSrchGet200Response JournalPgLmtTaskidStsSrchGet (decimal page, decimal limit, string taskID, string status, string search, string? apiAuthAccountid = null, string? apiAuthApplicationkey = null)
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using CIN7.DearInventory.Api;
using CIN7.DearInventory.Client;
using CIN7.DearInventory.Model;
namespace Example
public class JournalPgLmtTaskidStsSrchGetExample
public static void Main()
Configuration config = new Configuration();
config.BasePath = "";
var apiInstance = new JournalApi(config);
var page = 8.14D; // decimal | Page (Default: 1)
var limit = 8.14D; // decimal | Specifies the page size for pagination. Default page size is 100. (Default: 100)
var taskID = "taskID_example"; // string | Returns detailed info of a particular Journal
var status = "status_example"; // string | \"Only return Journals with specified status (Default: null)
var search = "search_example"; // string | Only return Journals with search value contained in one of these fields: JournalNumber, Status, Narration, Notes (Default: null)
var apiAuthAccountid = 704ef231-cd93-49c9-a201-26b4b5d0d35b; // string? | e.g. 704ef231-cd93-49c9-a201-26b4b5d0d35b (optional)
var apiAuthApplicationkey = 0342a546-e0c2-0dff-f0be-6a5e17154033; // string? | e.g. 0342a546-e0c2-0dff-f0be-6a5e17154033 (optional)
// GET
JournalPgLmtTaskidStsSrchGet200Response result = apiInstance.JournalPgLmtTaskidStsSrchGet(page, limit, taskID, status, search, apiAuthAccountid, apiAuthApplicationkey);
catch (ApiException e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling JournalApi.JournalPgLmtTaskidStsSrchGet: " + e.Message);
Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);
This returns an ApiResponse object which contains the response data, status code and headers.
// GET
ApiResponse<JournalPgLmtTaskidStsSrchGet200Response> response = apiInstance.JournalPgLmtTaskidStsSrchGetWithHttpInfo(page, limit, taskID, status, search, apiAuthAccountid, apiAuthApplicationkey);
Debug.Write("Status Code: " + response.StatusCode);
Debug.Write("Response Headers: " + response.Headers);
Debug.Write("Response Body: " + response.Data);
catch (ApiException e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling JournalApi.JournalPgLmtTaskidStsSrchGetWithHttpInfo: " + e.Message);
Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
page | decimal | Page (Default: 1) | |
limit | decimal | Specifies the page size for pagination. Default page size is 100. (Default: 100) | |
taskID | string | Returns detailed info of a particular Journal | |
status | string | "Only return Journals with specified status (Default: null) | |
search | string | Only return Journals with search value contained in one of these fields: JournalNumber, Status, Narration, Notes (Default: null) | |
apiAuthAccountid | string? | e.g. 704ef231-cd93-49c9-a201-26b4b5d0d35b | [optional] |
apiAuthApplicationkey | string? | e.g. 0342a546-e0c2-0dff-f0be-6a5e17154033 | [optional] |
No authorization required
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Status code | Description | Response headers |
200 | OK | - |
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JournalPost200Response JournalPost (string? apiAuthAccountid = null, string? apiAuthApplicationkey = null, JournalPostRequest? journalPostRequest = null)
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using CIN7.DearInventory.Api;
using CIN7.DearInventory.Client;
using CIN7.DearInventory.Model;
namespace Example
public class JournalPostExample
public static void Main()
Configuration config = new Configuration();
config.BasePath = "";
var apiInstance = new JournalApi(config);
var apiAuthAccountid = 704ef231-cd93-49c9-a201-26b4b5d0d35b; // string? | e.g. 704ef231-cd93-49c9-a201-26b4b5d0d35b (optional)
var apiAuthApplicationkey = 0342a546-e0c2-0dff-f0be-6a5e17154033; // string? | e.g. 0342a546-e0c2-0dff-f0be-6a5e17154033 (optional)
var journalPostRequest = new JournalPostRequest?(); // JournalPostRequest? | (optional)
JournalPost200Response result = apiInstance.JournalPost(apiAuthAccountid, apiAuthApplicationkey, journalPostRequest);
catch (ApiException e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling JournalApi.JournalPost: " + e.Message);
Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);
This returns an ApiResponse object which contains the response data, status code and headers.
ApiResponse<JournalPost200Response> response = apiInstance.JournalPostWithHttpInfo(apiAuthAccountid, apiAuthApplicationkey, journalPostRequest);
Debug.Write("Status Code: " + response.StatusCode);
Debug.Write("Response Headers: " + response.Headers);
Debug.Write("Response Body: " + response.Data);
catch (ApiException e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling JournalApi.JournalPostWithHttpInfo: " + e.Message);
Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
apiAuthAccountid | string? | e.g. 704ef231-cd93-49c9-a201-26b4b5d0d35b | [optional] |
apiAuthApplicationkey | string? | e.g. 0342a546-e0c2-0dff-f0be-6a5e17154033 | [optional] |
journalPostRequest | JournalPostRequest? | [optional] |
No authorization required
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
Status code | Description | Response headers |
200 | OK | - |
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JournalPut200Response JournalPut (string? apiAuthAccountid = null, string? apiAuthApplicationkey = null, JournalPutRequest? journalPutRequest = null)
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using CIN7.DearInventory.Api;
using CIN7.DearInventory.Client;
using CIN7.DearInventory.Model;
namespace Example
public class JournalPutExample
public static void Main()
Configuration config = new Configuration();
config.BasePath = "";
var apiInstance = new JournalApi(config);
var apiAuthAccountid = 704ef231-cd93-49c9-a201-26b4b5d0d35b; // string? | e.g. 704ef231-cd93-49c9-a201-26b4b5d0d35b (optional)
var apiAuthApplicationkey = 0342a546-e0c2-0dff-f0be-6a5e17154033; // string? | e.g. 0342a546-e0c2-0dff-f0be-6a5e17154033 (optional)
var journalPutRequest = new JournalPutRequest?(); // JournalPutRequest? | (optional)
// PUT
JournalPut200Response result = apiInstance.JournalPut(apiAuthAccountid, apiAuthApplicationkey, journalPutRequest);
catch (ApiException e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling JournalApi.JournalPut: " + e.Message);
Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);
This returns an ApiResponse object which contains the response data, status code and headers.
// PUT
ApiResponse<JournalPut200Response> response = apiInstance.JournalPutWithHttpInfo(apiAuthAccountid, apiAuthApplicationkey, journalPutRequest);
Debug.Write("Status Code: " + response.StatusCode);
Debug.Write("Response Headers: " + response.Headers);
Debug.Write("Response Body: " + response.Data);
catch (ApiException e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling JournalApi.JournalPutWithHttpInfo: " + e.Message);
Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
apiAuthAccountid | string? | e.g. 704ef231-cd93-49c9-a201-26b4b5d0d35b | [optional] |
apiAuthApplicationkey | string? | e.g. 0342a546-e0c2-0dff-f0be-6a5e17154033 | [optional] |
journalPutRequest | JournalPutRequest? | [optional] |
No authorization required
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
Status code | Description | Response headers |
200 | OK | - |
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