Project for the Multimedia Information Retrieval and Computer Vision course at University of Pisa (A.Y. 2022/2023) realized by Fabiano Pilia and Emanuele Tinghi. The documents are taken from the following link: TREC 2020 Deep Learning Track Guidelines | msmarco (
The project is composed by these main modules:
- Inverted-Indexer-Builder
- Query-Processor
- Query-Evaluator
Module that performs the indexing (via SPIMI) and merging of the collection
Module that is responsible of offering the user an interface. Through this interface the user can set some query parameters, such as the scoring function to use and if the query should be conjunctive or disjunctive. Than she/he can enter the query and see the top 20 results relative to it.
The pruning algorithm used to speed up the search for the top results is MaxScore.
This module performs tests on a batch of queries and writes the results in a format suitable for the trec_eval tool.
The Indexer module can be compiled using the following optional flags:
As first flag:
- -c: if specified, it enables only the compression of the document collection
- -s: if specified, it enables stopwords removal and stemming during documents' processing
- -sc: if specified, it enables the stopwords removal and stemming of the document collection as well as the compression of the resulting data structures
- -d: if specified, it enables only the debug mode
- otherwise: stopwords removal and stemming are disabled as well as the compression
As second flag (only if the first is not -d) the user can enter -d to keep the previous flag and also enable the debug mode
The choice made for the first flags will be saved and used in the Query-Processor module
Before entering a query the user will be asked which scoring method wants (the choice is between BM25 and TFIDF) After that the user can choose if the the query to enter needs to be considered conjunctive or disjunctive As last question the user can select if the query must be executed in debug mode or not
The user can then enter the query. A list of 20 result will be shown, representing the docNo of the highest scoring documents in desconding order
If the user wants to keep the previously inserted parameters he/she can enter another query using the right command, otherwise he/she can change the settings
Due to the size of the index and the collection, we've add it to the .gitignore file, so they're not present in the repository.
To start the indexing, the collection must be present in the Dataset folder, the link to download it is at the beginning of this file.
The index will be generated in a folder called Files.
To bypass the indexing, the index's files can be downloaded from the link specified in the report and they must be present in the Files folder.