Welcome to TFLOW, a command-line pipeline for de novo transcriptome assembly and analysis.
--- Design ---
The TFLOW pipeline is designed with several key features in mind: Easy accessability of assembly utilities A smooth "Flow" of input/output data from one tool to the next Automated analysis of results Modular addition of new tools TFLOW is built on the Python2.7 language and thus requires Python2.7 as a dependency. Individual external components are required depending on the pipe utilized.
--- Get Me Started ---
Download and Unpack TFLOW to a directory of your choice. Ex: unzip ~/v0.9.2.zip (creates ~/TFLOW-0.9.1)
Run test_TFLOW_setup.sh Ex: ~/TFLOW-0.9.1/test_TFLOW_setup.sh (equivalent to ~/TFLOW-0.9.1/tflow.sh test -t Test_Pipe")
Then, for each component that can't be found: A. Install that component (if not already installed) B. Tell TFLOW where it is by editing TFLOW_Local_Settings.dat: (Ex: vi ~/TFLOW-0.9.1/TFLOW_Local_Settings.dat) set [UTILITY]_LOCATION variable with executable conatining folder OR: set [UTILITY]_EXEC variable of full executable path C. When every component (that you care about) reports "Found!" you're ready for a project!
Start a Project
Create a project directory Ex: mkdir ~/My_Project
Copy desired pipe options file template to project directory: Ex: cp ~/TFLOW-0.9.1/Templates/options.dat.Trinity_Pipe_Template ~/My_Project/options.dat
Set mandatory and suggested settings in options file: Ex: vi ~/My_Project/options.dat is_paired_reads <True/False> label <tissue_name> BUSCO_type
Run TFLOW: Ex: ~/TFLOW-0.9.1/tflow.sh run --raw_reads ~/My_Data/*.gz" "[TFLOW_DIR]/tflow.sh run --raw_left_reads ~/My_Data/left_reads.gz --raw_right_reads ~/My_Data/right_reads.gz" (template job submission scripts are included for each pipe type)
Track the Running Project: If you started TFLOW in the background (with "&" at the end), see what's going on in the job by running TFLOW in track mode. Ex: cd ~/My_Project/ ~/TFLOW-0.9.1/tflow.sh track
For help, use the "-h" or "--help" flags. Ex: ~/TFLOW-0.9.1/tflow.sh run -h OR: ~/TFLOW-0.9.1/tflow.sh run --help
Advanced Use
For convience, you can: Add TFLOW dir to your system path with: "export PATH=[TFLOW_DIR]:$PATH"
Add TFLOW dir to your python path with: "export PYTHONPATH=[TFLOW_DIR]:$PYTHONPATH" (Replacing [TFLOW_DIR] with absolute path to TFLOW Directory Location)
--- Operation ---
TFLOW 0.9.2 has 9 modes:
run Run Job/Pipe
track Track Job/Pipe
analyze Analyze Job/Pipe
read Read Output of Job/Pipe
test Test Job/Pipe
stop Stop Running Job/Pipe
clean Cleanup (Most) Standard Job/Pipe Files (Beta)
reset Reset (Almost) All Job/Pipe Files Including Output (Beta)
settings Print Current TFLOW Settings and Exit
TFLOW 0.9.2 has 5 Supported Pipes:
Trinity_Pipe Trim Reads, Trinity-Assemble, CAP3-Assemble, CEGMA Analysis,
and BUSCO Analysis
Trimmed_Trinity_Pipe Trinity-Assemble, CAP3-Assemble, CEGMA Analysis, and BUSCO Analysis
CAP3_Pipe CAP3-Assemble, CEGMA Analysis, and BUSCO Analysis
Analysis_Pipe Stat_Analysis, CEGMA Analysis and BUSCO Analysis
Test_Pipe Non-Functional Pipe for Testing All Supported Segments
TFLOW 0.9.2 has 8 Supported Pipes Segments:
Make_Read_Lists (v0.9) Simple Parser From Read Files to Read File Lists
Trimmomatic (v0.32) Read Trimming Utilityad Output of Job/Pipe
Trinity (v20140717) De-Novo Transcriptome Assembler
CAP3 Sequence Assembler
Package (v0.9) Copy and Zip Final Sequence File Result
Stat_Analysis (v0.9) Perform Statistical Analysis on FASTA File Sequences
CEGMA_Analysis (v2.2.29) Core Eukaryotic Gene Recapture Analysis via NCBI Blast
BUSCO_Analysis (v2.2.29) Benchmarking Gene Recapture Analysis via NCBI Blast
Summary (v0.9) Summarize Pipe Results
--- External Components ---
Components used for Pipe Segments. Newer versions of components are ideally also supported.
- Trimmomatic -
Used for trimming of raw sequence reads based on sequence quality and similarity
to adapter sequences.
Version: 0.3.2
URL: http://www.usadellab.org/cms/?page=trimmomatic'
Citation: Bolger, Anthony M., Marc Lohse, and Bjoern Usadel. "Trimmomatic: a flexible
trimmer for Illumina sequence data." Bioinformatics (2014): btu170.
- Trinity -
De Novo Transcriptome Assembler, Assembles Raw Sequence Reads into Transcript Sequences.
Version: trinityrnaseq_r20140717
URL: http://trinityrnaseq.github.io/
Citation: Full-length transcriptome assembly from RNA-Seq data without a reference genome.
Grabherr MG, Haas BJ, Yassour M, Levin JZ, Thompson DA, Amit I, Adiconis X, Fan L,
Raychowdhury R, Zeng Q, Chen Z, Mauceli E, Hacohen N, Gnirke A, Rhind N, di Palma F,
Birren BW, Nusbaum C, Lindblad-Toh K, Friedman N, Regev A.
Nature Biotechnology 29, 644–652 (2011)
Paper: http://www.nature.com/nbt/journal/v29/n7/full/nbt.1883.html
Code: http://trinityrnaseq.sf.net
- CAP3 -
DNA Sequence Assembler
Version: N/A
URL: http://seq.cs.iastate.edu/cap3.html
Citation: Huang, X. and Madan, A. (1999) CAP3: A DNA sequence assembly program.
Genome Res., 9, 868-877.
Sequence Comparison Tool
Version: 2.2.29+
URL: http://blast.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Blast.cgi?PAGE_TYPE=BlastDocs&DOC_TYPE=Download
Citation: Camacho C., Coulouris G., Avagyan V., Ma N., Papadopoulos J., Bealer K.,
& Madden T.L. (2008) "BLAST+: architecture and applications."
BMC Bioinformatics 10:421
--- Benchmarking Datasets ---
Datasets used for Gene Recapture Analysis.
- CEGMA Sequence Database -
Core Eukaryotic Genes Mapping Approach (CEGMA): Core Eukaryotic Genes Dataset
Version: Acquired 2015-04-22
URL: http://korflab.ucdavis.edu/datasets/cegma/
Citation: Genis Parra, Keith Bradnam and Ian Korf. CEGMA: a pipeline to accurately annotate
core genes in eukaryotic genomes." Bioinformatics, 23: 1061-1067 (2007)
- BUSCO Sequence Databases -
Benchmarking sets of Universal Single-Copy Orthologs (BUSCO): Metazoa, Arthropoda,
Vertebrata, and Fungi Datasets
Version: OrthoDB7, Acquired 2015-04-22
URL: ftp://cegg.unige.ch/OrthoDB7/BUSCO/
Citation: Waterhouse et al, Nucleic Acids Research, January 2013, PMID:23180791
OrthoDB: a hierarchical catalog of animal, fungal and bacterial orthologs.
--- Options ---
The priority hierarchy of options is given by: Pipe Settings File > Command Line > Options File > Global Defaults > Segment Defaults
--- Version History ---
2015-??-??, V.0.9.2
Increased README Readability and added setup command examples.
Added Termination of Tracking on Process Failure
Added Internal Zipping and Unzipping of ".gz" Compressed Files
Added "details" Mode to fasta_manip.py for Shortest/Longest Read Identification
Added CSV outputting to Summary module
Added prototype "reset" Mode for Deleting All Identified Segment Output Files
Added prototype "clean" Mode for Deleting Unnecessary Segment Output Files
Added "stop" Mode for Stopping Background Running Pipes, Segments, and External Components
Bug Fixes
2015-05-12, V.0.9.1
Added Stat_Analysis Segment
Added Package Segment
Added Test_Pipe Testing Pipeline
Separated Pipes and Segments Into tflow/pipes and tflow/segments, Respectively
Added Unpaired Read Trimming Mode
Added Significantly More Code Commenting to Segments: BUSCO_Analysis, and CEGMA_Analysis
Added Summary Module
Added Warning When User-Supplied Setting is Overridden by Pipe Setting
Fixed Trinity_Pipe Settings that Overrode BUSCO Tissue Type Selection
Added test_TFLOW_setup.sh Convenience Script
Added Significantly More Detail to README.txt
Added CAP3_Pipe Job Templates
Added CAP3 Assembly Pipe: CAP3_Pipe
Minor Bug Fixes
2015-04-20, V.0.9.0
Initial Beta Release