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Pumuckl007 edited this page Dec 17, 2017 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the PowerUp2018 wiki!

This is where the Vikings (FRC team 2984) is hosting their code for the 2018 game.

While we do not know the challenge yet we have made some assumptions about our drive train and a few other features of the game. Namely:

  • We will be using a kit bot unless it is infeasible
  • There will be some sort of vision element to the game
  • There will be a need for autonomous navigation

This results in the goals of the project which are to:

  • Create a versatile platform for the creation of new subsystems
  • Integrate odometry and vision information into a drive control

A fair bit of the code found in this repository is taken from the Cheesy Poofs which we thank for providing their source every year. In their tradition we have decided to license all our changes under the MIT license which means that you can you all the source code in the repository provided you give Team 2984 and Team 254 (the Cheesy Poofs) credit.

Good luck to all the other teams out there!

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