Motor Label | Motor Location | CAN ID |
Motor #1 | Left Drive | 1 |
Motor #2 | Left Drive | 2 |
Motor #3 | Right Drive | 3 |
Motor #4 | Right Drive | 4 |
Motor #5 | Intake | 5 |
Motor #6 | Shooter | 6 |
Motor #7 | Queue Loading | 7 |
Motor #8 | Queue Shooter | 8 |
Left Axis: Controls left motors /n
Right Axis: Controls right motors /n
Left Stick: Push out balls from intake /n
Right Stick: Pull in balls into intake /n
A: Start shoot queue /n
B: Stop shoot queue /n
X: Start shooting /n
Y: Stop shooting /n
WPILib Java Examples:
- Define a subsystem class
- Define components of the subsystem in the subsystem class - motors, motor groups, sensors
- Define functions - at a basic level what can this subsystem do - shoot, drive, etc.
- Publish telementry through NetworkTables
- Define command classes
- There can be more than one - collect balls, eject balls
- Pass subsystem to the constructor
- Wire up subsystems, commands and buttons in RobotContainer
- Instance of subsystem
- Wireup code
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Andrew Makarevich @andrewm24 (Space Programmer)