Team 2539 decided a few years ago to develop our scouting app in Flutter, an open source framework by Google for building natively compiled and multi-platform applications from a single codebase.
The following is a list of development tools you will need in order to develop in Flutter ...
- Download and install
- Start Android Studio and go through the setup wizard.
- From the SDK Manager, make sure you install the command-line tools and the Google USB Driver (Windows Only)
- Download and install
- Add the extensions for Flutter and Dart
- Some common confugration options
- Custom themes
- Coloring bracket pairs (), [], {}
- Search in VSCode settings for this option and enable it
- Setting a default terminal
- Again, search in settings to change it
- Press Ctrl/Cmd + J to toggle it
Note: You want to download the latest version of VS Code. If you have already downloaded the custom VS Code for robot coding, it's recommended that you download the latest standard version and install next to the custom version.
- Follow instructions for your OS platform.
For learning Flutter, there are a couple of recommended free tutorial sites: