Learning how to add a PostgreSQL database in a Docker container to a Ruby program by rewiring the Expenses app.
- have docker installed
- build your containter:
$ docker run --name ruby-postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecret -d -p 5432:5432 postgres
- Go inside your container and create a database
$ docker exec -it ruby-postgres bash
root@05b3a3471f6f:/# psql -U postgres
postgres-# CREATE DATABASE expenses;
postgres-# \q
ready to go: start the app
Cleaning up when done: Don't forget to clean up the container (and maybe the image too) before you go:
remove the container:
$ docker stop ruby-postgres
$ docker rm ruby-postgres
remove the postgres image:
$ docker rmi postgres
Small command line application to track expenses
An expense recording system
add AMOUNT MEMO [DATE] - record a new expense
clear - delete all expenses
list - list all expenses
delete NUMBER - remove expense with id NUMBER
search QUERY - list expenses with a matching memo field
run: $ ./expense
run a command: $ ./expense add 4.50 coffee