This is the backend code for a real-time chat application. It uses Node.js with Express.js for the server setup, and Socket.IO for real-time communication and all chat functionalities including authentication, messaging, and other user interactions.
- Real-time communication with Socket.IO
- User authentication (Sign-In/Sign-Up)
- Message sending and receiving
- Token-based authentication
- Node.js (v14 or later)
- npm (v6 or later)
- MongoDB (local or cloud-based)
To set up and run this backend application, follow these steps:
git clone
cd chat-app-backend
npm install
Create a .env file in the root of the project.
- Add the following environment variables:
PORT: Port number for the server (default: 3001)
if You Change The Port You Also Have To Change Port in socketUrl State in Frontent Code in :
/src/Context/SocketContext.js at line no 12
MONGODB_URI = <Connection string for MongoDB>
JWTSECRET = <Secret key for JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
node index.js
The backend server should now be running and ready to communicate with clients via Socket.IO. If you need to make changes, you can use any IDE and make Changes.