2023.1 - 2023/03/07
- Implement feature: choose custom title text enhancement
(#7) - Implement feature: custom width from the CLI enhancement
Note that the width
param overrides wide
eg. in the case
ansiToSVGRender(fancyHelloWorld, f"{THISDIR}/data/hwT20.svg.png", wide=True, width=20)
the width of the output is 20
Other examples:
ansiToSVGRender(fancyHelloWorld, f"{THISDIR}/data/hw20.svg.png", width=20)
ansiToSVGRender(fancyHelloWorld, f"{THISDIR}/data/hwT20.svg.png", wide=True, width=20)
ansiToSVGRender(fancyHelloWorld, f"{THISDIR}/data/hw40test.svg.png", width=40, title="test")