Spring Boot 3 + Java 17. Monolith app
- Select Spring Boot -> Application
- Expand "Modify options" -> select "Shorten command line" -> expand "Shorten command line" -> select "classpath file"
- Copy the following Java VM options at Applications VM options field
- "Active profiles" -> dev
db.url = your created postgres db url
db.username = your postgres username
db.password = your postgres password
jwt.secret = jwt secret key
New branch: {type of task}/{task number}/{short description}
For example: feature/12/added-new-entity
New commit: {task number} - {short description}
For example: 12 - added new entity
Swagger is available at: http://localhost:8090/api/swagger-ui/index.html#/
Create new .yaml file in changes
The migration name should be like this: <year>.<month>.<sequence_number>-<short_description>.yaml
Example: 2023.03.01-create-task-table.yaml. Year and month of creation are 2023 and 3 (March). Sequence number is 1, because it's the first migration in March. Short description: created new table for tasks.
If changes are made in the view, or a new view is created, a new file must be created in the folder view for this
Not currently supported
build: docker build . --tag=ff-tm-back:latest -f docker/Dockerfile
run: docker run -p 8090:8090 --env-file docker/.env --name ff-tm-back ff-tm-back:latest
docker-compose: docker-compose --env-file ./docker/.env -f docker/docker-compose.yml up