This repository contains the source of a proposal for an alternative news hub for FAForever.
Jekyll (GitHub Pages): Tooling to generate the site
- jekyll-feed: Plugin that generates an Atom (RSS-like) feed of our content
- jekyll-redirect-from: Plugin that enables us to do page redirects
- jekyll-github-metadata: Plugin that helps with exposing metadata of the GitHub repository
- jekyll-seo-tag: Plugin to help with Search Engine Optimalization (SEO)
- jekyll-paginate: Plugin to help with pagination of content
- jekyll-category-pages: Plugin that generates pages of categories
- jekyll-sitemap: Plugin that generates a sitemap for crawlers
- jekyll-transcode-image-filters: Plugin to help with converting images to browser friendly formats
- jekyll-icalendar-feed: Plugin to help with generating an iCalendar (RFC5545) feed of our content
Web Share API: A browser API that makes it easier to share content
Clipboard API: A browser API that makes it easier to copy content to the clipboard. This is used as a fallback if the Web Share API is not available.
- Node Package Manager
- Workbox: Tooling to generate information required for a progressive webapp
- Lighthouse: Tooling to measure website performance, is integrated in Chrome developer tools
- Lighthouse-ci: Command line wrapper to make it easier to do automated testing on website performance
The following tooling helps us with reducing the bundle size.
- Purge CSS: Tooling to remove unused CSS.
- CSSNano: Tooling to minify CSS
- PostCSS: Tooling to post process css (used by cssnano)
- uglify-js: Tooling to minify JavaScript
- html-minifier-terser: Tooling to minify HTML
: The default branch.deploy/gh-pages
: The source code that is to be deployed to GitHub Pages.