But feel free to use it for a Vanilla Playthrough, if you feel like doing that.
- 1. General-Description !IMPORTANT!
- 3. Included Patches
- 4. Notes
- 5. Credits and Thanks
- 6. Contact
- 7. Changelog
This modlist aims to be a resource for modders with at least enough of an experience in skyrim modding in general, to be able to trouble shoot their own modlists with the documentation provided for the mods in their descriptions, preexisting guides on the matter of modding and the tools provided by the modding community and their documentations. Or people who just want a vanilla experience with all the unofficial patches and fixes. One resource I highly recommend is this Guide on how to get started.
This modlist is intended to bring the most common tools and fixes for skyrim and integrate them in an Organized manner so modlist creators and modders have an easier way of getting a stable initial semivanilla setup with only a little effort. Some of the mods might want to be exchanged by personal preference, "ASLAL" which is included since it is again generally acknowledged, that it is a better to have an alternate start mod that places the player in a "quiet" game cell to let all the installed mods finish their initial loading and giving the player the time to set up the installed mods MCM Menus to their liking, could be replaced with another alternate start mod. And I chose "ASLAL" over another "AS" since it still allows you/players playing your modlist a chance to experience the Vanilla start to the game. Therefore feel free to use this as a basis for your modlists (but if you do so please mention it somewhere visible so others can find it as well).
This list has 3 playable profiles:
- For people wanting to use FNIS
- For people wanting to use Nemesis
- For people who don't want to use either of them.
This list contains these of 4 categories:
Tools (Accessible over the run menu and the shortcuts)
- BethINI
- BodySlide and Outfit Studio
- deorder's MO2 Plugins
- Merge Plugins Hide: Hide / unhide plugins that were merged using
Merge Plugins
- Sync Mod Order: Sync mod order from current profile to another while keeping the (enabled/disabled) state intact
- Merge Plugins Hide: Hide / unhide plugins that were merged using
- Mator Smash
- NifSkope
- SSEEdit
- Wrye Bash
- zEdit
Game Fixes and Patches
- Actor Movement Limit Fix
- Animation Limit Crash Fix SSE
- Assorted mesh fixes
- Believable Crime Report Radius
- Better Dialogue Controls
- Better MessageBox Controls
- Better Jumping SE
- Bug Fixes SSE
- Console Commands Extender
- Copy and Paste in Console
- Critters Aint Snitches
- Dragon Stalking Fix
- Dwemer Gates Don't Reset
- Enchantment Reload Fix SE
- Engine Fixes
- Fast Travel Speed Fix
- First Person Sneak Strafe-Walk Stutter Fix
- Fix Note icon for SkyUI (SKSE64 plugin)
- Fixed body collision
- FloraFixer - Mutagen Patcher and Data (read Note 3. in Notes)
- Keyboard Shortcuts Fix
- Modern Brawl Bug Fix
- More Informative Console
- Move it Dammit - for Skyrim Special Edition
- Multiple Floors Sandboxing
- No More Standing Too Close SSE
- No Spinning Death Animation
- NPC AI Process Position Fix - SSE
- PrivateProfileRedirector SE - Faster game start (INI file cacher)
- Raven Rock - Fix Exit on Horseback
- SkyUI
- SkyUI SE - Flashing Savegames Fix
- SSE Display Tweaks
- SSE Fixes
- SSE Parallax Shader Fix
- Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch
Mod Resources
- .NET Script Framework
- Address Library for SKSE Plugins
- ConsoleUtilSSE
- DLL Plugin Loader
- FileAccess Interface for Skyrim SE Scripts
- Fuz Ro D-oh - Silent Voice
- Fores New Idles in Skyrim SE - FNIS SE
- JContainers SE
- PapyrusUtil SE
- powerofthree's Papyrus Extender
- Project New Reign - Nemesis Main
- Project New Reign - Nemesis PCEA
- Scaleform Translation Plus Plus
- SimpleAddItems 2.0 - a zEdit module for leveled lists and containers
- Skyrim Script Extender SKSE64
- UIExtensions
Optional but highly recommended mods(that address issues with the main game that aren't really bugs)
- Alternate Start - Live Another Life
- RaceMenu
- Finding Susanna Alive - A Blood on the Ice Trigger Revision (Blood on the Ice Redux SE users see Note 2. in the Notes section of this readme)
- GIST Soul Trap
- No BS AI Projectile Dodge
- Notification Log SSE
- Protect Your People SE
- ReCleaned Menu (Creation Club users see Note 1. in the Notes section of this readme)
- StayAtSystemPageSE
- Velexia's Animals are not Monsters SE
- Wider MCM Menu for SkyUI
- Whose Quest Is It Anyway
- First for Skyrim itself follow this Guide Starting with the Foreword and ending with the end of the Install Location section.(If you want to be prepared to add mods yourself I highly recommend reading the whole thing.)
- Install this list by browsing the latest Wabbajack version with
Show Utility Lists
enabled and the game set toSkyrim Special Edition
. - Go to your Skyrim Special Edition root directory. This is the same folder where SkyrimSE.exe is, depending on where you installed it following step 0.
If you didn't follow the Guide which I highly advise against.) In there rename the
. - Open the Install Folder (MO2 folder), there navigate to Game Folder Files.
- Now put the Content of
Game Folder Files
into your Games installation folder. - Locate the
in...\\(name of the MO 2 folder(the installation path you choose for the modlist))\tools\BethINI (ONLY LAUNCH WITH MO AND THE GAME CLOSED)
and run it with the game and MO2 closed. - In there (BethINI) go to the
tab and point BethINI to yourModOrganizer.EXE
. - Select the SME(FT) Profile you intend to use in the INI Path section.
- Now you Select a Preset fitting your Hardware/Plans of adding an ENB
- Save and Exit
- Open ModOrganizer and select the profile you want to use as your basis
- Either run the FNIS tool or Nemesis as if you had just installed them (if you selected one of those profiles)
- To Launch the game select SKSE in MO2 and hit launch, there you can also create MO2 shortcuts to automatically launch linked binaries trough MO2.
- Your MO2 Setup is now ready to start modding/ playing the most barebone PC friendly Skyrim experience.
- When adding Mods look out for possible incompatibilities and the Patches and the Notes sections below.
Don't try to play the SME(FT) - Installation
Profile since it is a dummy profile, for me to compile the list.
If a mod I used has patches for other mods they are included but need to be enabled by you they are marked
by being placed under the INCLUDED PATCHES
separator and are part of the patch mod category of MO.
Each one of them has the mods the patch is for included in its name and/or a note inside of MO.
If a mod has a patch instead of merging it manually I would advise to check the modpage if there isn't a merged patch
- If you want to use Creation Club mods you have to disable
ReCleaned Menu - If you want to use Creation Club mods disable this!!
in your MO for the option to even be available in the main menu, but since there are more people that don't install mods from there anyway I included this to make their menus cleaner. - If you want to use Blood on the Ice Redux SE you have to right-click
Finding Susanna Alive
and click on reinstall to let it install with the included patch. - If you addded new landscapes or altered existing ones you open and run the included Synthesis with the flora patcher enabled.(It is the default setting)
- YOU for actually reading the readme. Thanks a ton!!
- ForgottenGlory for making SME(FT) possible due to his early support.
- Halgari and everyone the WJ Team - Wabbajack is awesome and so are you
- And ALL the mod authors that made the mods featured in this list. <3
While I'm always available on the Wabbajack Discord, I would advise checking the Issues (open and closed ones) on GitHub first if you have any problems. The same goes for Enhancements or Feature/Mod Requests. DO NOT DM ME ON DISCORD. I WILL NOT PROVIDE SUPPORT FOR YOU IN DMS AND I WILL BLOCK YOU.
See Changelog.