Dr.Yue_plus: http://arknights.theme.hexo.yue.zone/
- Dr.Ye: https://laurenfrost.github.io/
- Dr.LingYun: https://dr-lingyun.gitee.io/
- Dr.XIMU:http://b.ligzs.cn/
- Dr.ToUNVRSe https://tounvrse.github.io/
- Dr.tyqtyq https://tyq0712.github.io/
- Dr.Ryo https://blog.ryo-okami.xyz/
- Dr.TTsdzb https://ark.ttsdzb.monster/
- Dr.Tanle https://ztblog.work/
- Dr.Sherkey https://blog.sherkey.ml/
If you're using this theme, we will appreciate it if you could put your link here for a preview!
- Node.js >=
- Newest Hexo
Hexo >=
; hexo-cli >=4.3.0
; - It is recommended to use
to install dependencies if you're in mainland China. Please refer to npmmirror
(and clone this repo into it)
hexo init Hexo
cd Hexo
npm install
git clone https://github.com/Yue-plus/hexo-theme-arknights.git themes/arknights
Note: For cnpm
users, please replace npm
with cnpm
. Same below.
For npm users:
npm install hexo-server hexo-browsersync hexo-renderer-pug --save
For yarn users:
yarn add hexo-server hexo-browsersync hexo-renderer-pug
under folderHexo/
. You can refer to Hexo.- Change the value of
- Enable code highlighting:
highlight: hljs: true
- Change the value of
to the root directory of Hexo, and rename it to_config.arknights.yml
.Please refer to:
The configuration file of the theme can be modified by referring to the Chinese comments.
These files in folder Hexo/themes/arknights/source/
can be modified as needed:
:Icons on browser tabsCNAME
: Custom domain name when GitHub Pages is deployedREADME.md
: README for deployment repositoryAlipay.png
in folderimg/
can be replaced with your own reward QR code (1:1 scalepng
Please refer to Hexo | Writing.
There are some sample texts available in the Hexo branch.
To add tags and categories, or for more features, please refer to Hexo | Front-matter. Example:
--- title: 'Hello World !' date: 2020-04-15 21:54:02 tags: code category: Example ---
The content before
<!-- more -->
is called a summary. It will be displayed on the home page, and you can set whether it is also displayed in the main body of the article.
- Example: Creating an
Run the following commands inHexo
directoryHexo will create anhexo new page 'about'
folder inHexo/source/
- Edit file
- Edit
, and add a link there:menu: About: /about
The theme supports Valine.
Please refer to Valine Quick Start and edit _config.arknights.yml
in your Hexo directory:
enable: false
app_id: # APP ID
app_key: # APP KEY
server_url: # APP DOMAIN (LeanCloud international version requires this)
For notifications with email: zhaojun1998 / Valine-Admin
is ONLY required when using LeanCloud international version .
The theme supports Gitalk .
Please refer to gitalk/readme.md and edit _config.arknights.yml
in your Hexo directory:
enable: false
client_id: # GitHub Application Client ID
client_secret: # GitHub Application Client Secret
repo: # GitHub repository
owner: # GitHub repository owner
admin: [] # GitHub repository owner and collaborators (Users who having write access to this repository)
# Example: [adminA,adminB]
id: # The unique id of the page
# Example: location.pathname
The theme supports Waline.
Please refer to Waline docs and edit _config.arknights.yml
in your Hexo directory
enable: false
server_url: #Server_Url
The theme supports two scenarios for displaying math formulas:
You can use hexo-filter-mathjax filter to render math formulas statically:
- Run the following commands in your Hexo directory:
# Install hexo-filter-mathjax
cnpm install hexo-filter-mathjax --save
# Clean the cache
hexo clean
- Add the following into
tags: none # or 'ams' or 'all'
single_dollars: true # use single '$' as inline math formula delimiter
cjk_width: 0.9 # Relatively CJK character width
normal_width: 0.6 # Relatively normal width
append_css: true # Add CSS to every pages
every_page: false # If true, then every page will be rendered by mathjax, regardless of the `mathjax` setting in the front-matter of each article
- Add
mathjax: true
in the Front-matter of article that requires mathjax to be enabled:
title: On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies
categories: Physics
date: 1905-06-30 12:00:00
mathjax: true
Then, you can use LaTeX in your articles.
- Please note that inline math formulas (…
$<math formula>$
...) cannot have spaces after the opening$
and before the closing$
! For example:
-$ \epsilon_0 $
-$ \frac{\partial}{\partial t} $
+$\frac{\partial}{\partial t}$
- Be aware of the conflict between LaTeX and Markdown syntax. Use
to escape if necessary:
The theme also supports MathJax, to dynamically render formulas as the user browses:
- First, uninstall the hexo-renderer-marked renderer that comes with Hexo by default, and replace with hexo-renderer-kramed with better MathJax support:
npm uninstall hexo-renderer-marked --save
npm install hexo-renderer-kramed --save
- Edit
in your Hexo directory:
# Formula support
- enable: false
+ enable: true
version: '2.6.1' # important
- Then, you can use LaTeX in your articles:
% Single-line inline formula
% Note that you need to put "`" on both sides, and there can be no space between "`" and "$"
% Multi-line formula
\begin{aligned}f(x) &= \sum_{i=1}^{\infty}{\frac{x}{2^i}} \\
&= x\end{aligned}
- With this scheme, there will be no conflict between LaTeX and Markdown syntax. Escaping is not required to use LaTeX syntax in the text.
The following formulas can be used directly without any problems:
The hexo-renderer-kramed plugin has other configurable items, please refer to the plugin documentation: https://github.com/sun11/hexo-renderer-kramed
Advantages and disadvantages of these formula display schemes:
- Dynamic rendering does not require escaping, and can better support Markdown files exported from other places. But since it needs to be rendered in the browser, the page display will be slightly delayed.
- The static rendering compiles the formula directly into the static file, which has better display performance, but the syntax needs to be escaped.
Edit _config.arknights.yml
in your Hexo directory:
# Chart support
- enable: false
+ enable: true
version: '8.13.5'
The theme renders various charts via mermaid-js. Examples
Supports: Flow Chart | Sequence Diagram | Class Diagram | State Diagram | Entity Relationship Diagram | User Journey Map | Gantt Chart | Instruction Map | Pie Chart
<div class="mermaid">
graph LR
A[Hard edge] -->|Link text| B(Round edge)
B --> C{Decision}
C -->|One| D[Result one]
C -->|Two| E[Result two]
It is also fully supported if you are used to using
code blocks
Depends hexo-wordcount
For npm users:
cnpm install hexo-wordcount --save
For yarn users:
yarn add hexo-wordcount
Then edit _config.arknights.yml
in your Hexo directory:
count: true # Display word count
time: true # Display reading time statistics
Note: Front-end encryption is not reliable!
Note! This encryption plugin encrypts the digest content, so it is not possible to hide digests in the body when using this plugin. In _config.arknights.yaml
excerpt: true # Whether to show digest in the article(contents before <!-- more--> ) <===== cannot be false
You can try the hexo-blog-encrypt plugin for document encryption.
Detailed reference: hexo-blog-encrypt/ReadMe.md
cnpm install hexo-blog-encrypt --save
Add the following into Hexo/_config.yml
# Security
encrypt: # hexo-blog-encrypt
abstract: Password required for weak neural connection to Rhodes Island™
message: Please enter password for weak neural connection to Rhodes Island™
- {name: tagName, password: PassowrdA}
- {name: tagName, password: PasswordB}
template: <div id="hexo-blog-encrypt" data-wpm="{{hbeWrongPassMessage}}" data-whm="{{hbeWrongHashMessage}}"><div class="hbe-input-container"><input type="password" id="hbePass" placeholder="{{hbeMessage}}" /><label>{{hbeMessage}}</label><div class="bottom-line"></div></div><script id="hbeData" type="hbeData" data-hmacdigest="{{hbeHmacDigest}}">{{hbeEncryptedData}}</script></div>
wrong_pass_message: Failed to verify password with Rhodes Island™, please try again.
wrong_hash_message: Failed to validate password with Rhodes Island™, currently viewing with temporary privileges.
Or Set the following in Front-matter of the artical:
title: Hello World
- Encrypted as a diary
date: 2016-03-30 21:12:21
password: mikemessi
abstract: Password required for weak neural connection to Rhodes Island™
message: Please enter password for weak neural connection to Rhodes Island™
wrong_pass_message: Failed to verify password with Rhodes Island™, please try again.
wrong_hash_message: Failed to validate password with Rhodes Island™, currently viewing with temporary privileges.
Searching is enabled by default. To disable it, edit your Hexo/_config.arknights.yml
enable: false
In addition to Front-matter supported by Hexo, the theme also supports:
# Published/updated date in the top right corner of the article page
post-info: true/false
# Sidebar table of contents
post-index: true/false
# Rewards
reward: true/false
You can put your own CSS snippets into Hexo/source/css/
put JavaScript file into Hexo/source/js/
Then edit Hexo/_config.arknights.yml
# Include CSS stylesheets inside `<head>` tags
- //unpkg.com/@highlightjs/cdn-assets@11.4.0/styles/atom-one-dark-reasonable.min.css
+- /css/custom.css
# Introduce JavaScript at the end of `<body>`
- //unpkg.com/@highlightjs/cdn-assets@11.4.0/highlight.min.js
+- /js/custom.js
The resource folder is where a user stores his resources.
With the exception of the_posts
folder, files/folders and hidden files named starting with_
(underscore) will be ignored. Markdown and HTML files will be parsed and put into thepublic
folder, while other files are copied over there.-- From Hexo Official Documentation
分支 | 说明 |
main | A relatively stable version |
dev | Development version |
gh-pages | gh-page hosting |
hexo | Hexo directory, where you can fine .md files to test your theme |
This is because after splitting the file, JavaScript is compiled manually instead. Please install typescript
and run tsc
in arknights\source\js
to compile.
This is caused by hexo-browsersync
, and will not affect the release.
Workaround: Just disable this plugin since it doesn't affect the release.
If you enjoy this theme:
- give me a star
- √
100star for a new theme~ - new theme developing: Yue-plus/vuepress-theme-rhinelab
- √
- Arknights ID of the developer:
(Chinese Bilibili server) - join Tencent QQ discussion group:618221514
- reward/sponsor: