Kalamu CMS is a Content Management System based on Symfony Framework. This CMS has been made with 3 objectives :
- Allow a user without technical knowledge to edit any content type. From simple text, to images, videos, slider, sections, maps, ...
- Allow advanced user to edit content with responsive capabilities.
- Keep the power of Symfony Framework to allow the development of complex functionality.
The content editor provided with Kalamu CMS is not just a simple text editor. It's a full interface that allow a simple user to add about every content type with a few clic. You can add a text, a video, a map, a form, ...
The editor give you the ability to organize your content with complex shaping. Advanced users can also configure the behavior on small screens (responsive content)
For every actions of the administration interface, there is an associated role. If the administration of the website is shared with multiple users, it's possible to restrict the fonctionnalities by group of users (administrators, content editors, ...)
The publication status are fully configurables. So, you can adjust the status to your publication workflow.
Published contents can be organized as you want. By tags, categories, projects, partners, ...or anything you can think about.
Simply create a classification organisation and add your terms. And if you want, each term has it's one full customizable page to show the contents associated.
Open Source: All the code is published under the MIT license. This give you the confidence that CMS is free and will remain forever. This also give you the right to use it without constraining restrictions (see license file).
Full Symfony application: it's not only some components, there is no twisted behaviors. It's a pure Symfony application on witch you can add seamlessly your bundles.
Possibility to add, without much effort, new content types, change the template, add new functionalities. Thanks to Symfony, about every parts of Kalamu CMS are customizable.
The administration interface is based on the well known Sonata Admin bundle.
Start by installing the application :
composer create-project kalamu/kalamu
cd kalamu/
php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force
php app/console stfalcon:tinymce:symlink
php app/console doctrine:fixtures:load
php app/console cache:clear --env=prod
php app/console assets:install --symlink
php app/console assetic:dump --env=prod
Then got to the administration interface at the /admin
Default access are:
- login: admin
- password: admin
Before editing your content, you should go to the configuration of the CMS Start configure your website with the menu "Configuration > Website configuration"
Once you're done with the configuraton, save it and start enjoy the content edition!