CLI and library for creating a streaming bundle from an ABR bundle shaka-packager. Input and output can be in S3 buckets.
shaka-packager executable must be available in path under the name packager
. When using S3 for input and output the AWS CLI must be installed and configured.
> npm install -g shaka-packager-s3
> shaka-packager-s3 s3://source-bucket/folder s3://output-bucket/folder -i a:1=audio.mp4 -i v:1=video.mp4
> shaka-packager-s3 /path/to/source/folder /path/to/output/folder -i a:1=audio.mp4 -i v:1=video.mp4
import { Input, doPackage } from '@eyevinn/shaka-packager-s3';
const inputs = [
type: 'audio',
key: '1',
filename: 'audio.mp4'
type: 'video',
key: '1',
filename: 'video.mp4'
const dest = '/my/output/folder';
.then(() => {
.catch((err) => {
docker build -t shaka-packager-s3:local .
Package an ABR bundle on S3 and upload to another S3 bucket
docker run --rm \
-e AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<aws-access-key-id> \
-e AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<aws-secret-access-key> \
shaka-packager-s3:local \
shaka-packager-s3 s3://source/abr s3://dest/vod \
-i a:audio=snaxax_STEREO.mp4 \
-i v:324=snaxax_x264_324.mp4 \
-i v:1312=snaxax_x264_1312.mp4 \
-i v:2069=snaxax_x264_2069.mp4 \
-i v:3100=snaxax_x264_3100.mp4
- shaka-packager
- AWS cli
Install Node dependencies
npm install
npm run build
Run script locally
% node dist/cli.js -h
Usage: cli [options]
Run shaka-packager with source on S3 or locally, and output to S3 or local
$ shaka-packager-s3 -i a:1=audio.mp4 -i v:1=video.mp4 -s s3://source-bucket/folder -d s3://output-bucket/folder
$ shaka-packager-s3 -i a:1=audio.mp4 -i v:1=video.mp4 -s /path/to/source/folder -d /path/to/output/folder
$ shaka-packager-s3 -i a:2=audio.mp4 -i v:1=video.mp4 -s /path/to/source/folder -d /path/to/output/folder --segment-single-file --segment-single-file-name 'Container$KEY$.mp4' --segment-duration 3.84
-s, --source-folder [sourceFolder] Source folder URL, ignored if input uses absolute path (supported protocols: s3, local file)
-i, --input [inputOptions...] Input options on the format: [a|v]:<key>=filename
--staging-dir [stagingDir] Staging directory (default: /tmp/data)
--shaka-executable [shakaExecutable] Path to shaka-packager executable, defaults to 'packager'. Can also be set with environment variable SHAKA_PACKAGER_EXECUTABLE.
--no-implicit-audio [noImplicitAudio] Do not include audio unless audio input specified
-d, --destination-folder <dest> Destination folder URL (supported protocols: s3, local file). Defaults to CWD.
--endpoint-url [s3EndpointUrl] S3 endpoint URL
--dash-only Package only DASH format
--hls-only Package only HLS format
--segment-single-file Use byte range addressing and a single segment file per stream
--segment-single-file-name [segmentSingleFileName] Template for single segment file name, $KEY$ will be replaced with stream key
--segment-duration [segmentDuration] Segment target duration
-h, --help display help for command
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- Further development of this component
- Customization and integration of this component into your platform
- Support and maintenance agreement
Contact if you are interested.
Eyevinn Technology is an independent consultant firm specialized in video and streaming. Independent in a way that we are not commercially tied to any platform or technology vendor. As our way to innovate and push the industry forward we develop proof-of-concepts and tools. The things we learn and the code we write we share with the industry in blogs and by open sourcing the code we have written.
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