- ⚛️ Drop-in replacement for
component - ⌨️ Live synchronous formatting on every keystroke
- ⚡ Fully native experience (selection, spellcheck, autocomplete)
- 🔧 Customizable logic
- 🎨 Customizable styles
- 🌐 Universal support (Android, iOS, web)
- 🏗️ Supports New Architecture
First, install the library from npm with the package manager of your choice:
yarn add @expensify/react-native-live-markdown react-native-reanimated expensify-common
npm install @expensify/react-native-live-markdown react-native-reanimated expensify-common --save
npx expo install @expensify/react-native-live-markdown react-native-reanimated expensify-common
React Native Live Markdown requires react-native-reanimated 3.17.0 or newer and expensify-common 2.0.115 or newer.
Then, install the iOS dependencies with CocoaPods:
cd ios && bundler install && bundler exec pod install
The library includes native code so you will need to re-build the native app.
The library does not support Expo Go, you will need to setup Expo Dev Client (see here).
import {MarkdownTextInput, parseExpensiMark} from '@expensify/react-native-live-markdown';
import React from 'react';
export default function App() {
const [text, setText] = React.useState('Hello, *world*!');
return (
can be styled using style
prop just like regular TextInput
It is also possible to customize the styling of the formatted contents of MarkdownTextInput
component. The style object supports all color representations from React Native including PlatformColor
and DynamicColorIOS
according to the color reference. Currently, a limited set of styles is customizable but this is subject to change in the future.
import type {MarkdownStyle} from '@expensify/react-native-live-markdown';
const FONT_FAMILY_MONOSPACE = Platform.select({
ios: 'Courier',
default: 'monospace',
const markdownStyle: MarkdownStyle = {
syntax: {
color: 'gray',
link: {
color: 'blue',
h1: {
fontSize: 25,
emoji: {
fontSize: 20,
blockquote: {
borderColor: 'gray',
borderWidth: 6,
marginLeft: 6,
paddingLeft: 6,
code: {
fontSize: 20,
color: 'black',
backgroundColor: 'lightgray',
pre: {
fontSize: 20,
color: 'black',
backgroundColor: 'lightgray',
mentionHere: {
color: 'green',
backgroundColor: 'lime',
mentionUser: {
color: 'blue',
backgroundColor: 'cyan',
The style object can be passed to multiple MarkdownTextInput
components using markdownStyle
We recommend to store the style object outside of a component body or memoize the style object with React.useMemo
behavior can be customized via parser
property. Parser is a function that accepts a plaintext string and returns an array of MarkdownRange
interface MarkdownRange {
type: MarkdownType;
start: number;
length: number;
depth?: number;
Currently, only the following types are supported:
type MarkdownType = 'bold' | 'italic' | 'strikethrough' | 'emoji' | 'mention-here' | 'mention-user' | 'mention-report' | 'link' | 'code' | 'pre' | 'blockquote' | 'h1' | 'syntax';
Parser needs to be marked as a worklet because it's executed on the UI thread as the user types.
Here's a sample function that parses all substrings located between two asterisks as bold text:
function parser(input: string) {
const ranges = [];
const regexp = /\*(.*?)\*/g;
let match;
while ((match = regexp.exec(input)) !== null) {
ranges.push({start: match.index, length: 1, type: 'syntax'});
ranges.push({start: match.index + 1, length: match[1]!.length, type: 'bold'});
ranges.push({start: match.index + 1 + match[1]!.length, length: 1, type: 'syntax'});
return ranges;
We recommend to store the parser function outside of a component body or memoize the parser function with React.useMemo
Currently, react-native-live-markdown
supports only ExpensiMark flavor. We are working on CommonMark support as well as possibility to use other Markdown parsers.
inherits all props of React Native's TextInput
component as well as introduces the following properties:
Prop | Type | Default | Note |
parser |
(value: string) => MarkdownRange[] |
undefined |
A function that parses the current value and returns an array of ranges. |
markdownStyle |
MarkdownStyle |
undefined |
Adds custom styling to Markdown text. The provided value is merged with default style object. See Styling for more information. |
supports two latest React Native minor releases.
react-native | @expensify/react-native-live-markdown |
0.77 | 0.1.235+ |
0.76 | 0.1.141+ |
0.75 | 0.1.129+ |
0.74 | 0.1.122 – 0.1.128 |
0.73 | 0.1.15 – 0.1.121 |