+ ✅ tests/jest/timers.async.test.js
+ ✔ PASS advanceTimersByTime() does not let microtasks to pass (5.326604ms)
+ ✔ PASS advanceTimersByTime() does not let microtasks to pass even with await (1.336064ms)
+ ✔ PASS advanceTimersByTimeAsync() lets microtasks to pass (6.99526ms)
+ ✔ PASS advanceTimersByTimeAsync() lets microtasks to pass, chained (10.131664ms)
+ ✔ PASS advanceTimersByTimeAsync() lets microtasks to pass, longer chained (8.635472ms)
+ ✔ PASS advanceTimersByTimeAsync() lets microtasks to pass, async chain (56.937983ms)
+See live output in [CI](https://github.com/ExodusMovement/test/actions/workflows/checks.yaml)
-Add `{ concurrency: true }`, like this: `describe('my testsuite', { concurrency: true }, () => {`
+## Library
### List of exports
-- `@exodus/test/jest` -- `jest` mock
+- `@exodus/test/node` -- `node:test` API, working under non-Node.js platforms
+- `@exodus/test/jest` -- `jest` implementation
- `@exodus/test/tape` -- `tape` mock (can also be helpful when moving from `tap`)