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Phil Pennock edited this page Feb 14, 2017 · 4 revisions

Many ISPs block port 25 outbound. For mail-clients, you just configure them to use port 587 Submission to your mail server (Exim). But sometimes you may want to do things with a local MTA on your laptop.

This is when Exim's SOCKS5 support combines nicely with OpenSSH's DynamicForward support. Mail will build up in your mail-spool, until you bring up the SSH link, at which point it will flow out.

This works both with manualroute and with dnslookup. With dnslookup, it works even with functionality such as DANE.

Exim must have been built with SUPPORT_SOCKS=yes in Local/Makefile

OpenSSH configuration

In ~/.ssh/config something like this works well; this is a little more flexible than strictly needed, to show how you can set up patterns for multiple hosts and restrict options accordingly.

Host *-socksonly
        ControlMaster no
        ControlPath none
        ControlPersist no
        ForwardAgent no
        ForwardX11 no

Host hermes-socks hermes-socksonly
        DynamicForward 4211

Host hermes hermes-*

Host *
        ControlPath ~/.ssh/cp/%h-%p-%r

This control-path location does require: mkdir -m 0700 ~/.ssh/cp

You can bring up a normal link and reclaim use of your terminal with:

$ ssh -Nf hermes-socksonly

To bring up a link which you can easily stop, without ps digging:

$ ssh -M -Nf hermes-socks
$ do_other_stuff, sending email
$ ssh -O stop hermes-socks

From this you can see how you might construct variants to handle auto-master for you, etc.

Be sure to pick a different value of DynamicForward for each remote host which you might be connected to at the same time. Remember the value: you will need it for MTA configuration


You need a Router and a Transport; here we show three routers

  1. The first is dnslookup and handles all normal routing; it is used when the DNSLOOKUP key exists in the outbound-settings file
  2. The second handles all SOCKS cases
  3. The third handles other cases

The reason for the split between 2 and 3 is that if you have shell login on the smarthost itself, you might set host=localhost which Exim would normally balk at. Instead, we set self = send when, and only when, the socks key exists in the data. If the value of self were expanded, we could collapse these two into just one.

If DNSLOOKUP exists, then only DNS-based routing will be used; to fallback to the smarthost, remove the no_more from that Router below.

After that, you need an SMTP Transport.

Remember that in Exim, Transports are an unordered collection which are used by being referred to from a Router, whereas Routers are an ordered list.

# macros before main settings:

begin routers

  driver = dnslookup
  domains = ! +local_domains
  transport = remote_smtp
  address_data = ${lookup {DNSLOOKUP}lsearch*@{/etc/exim/outbound-settings}}
  condition = ${extract{socks}{${lookup {DNSLOOKUP}lsearch*@{/etc/exim/outbound-settings}}}{yes}{no}}
  self = send
  ignore_target_hosts = <; ; ; ::1
  dnssec_request_domains = *

# note: self is not expanded; else we could use one smarthost router with:
#   self = ${extract{socks}{${lookup {$sender_address}lsearch*@{/etc/exim/outbound-settings}}}{send}{freeze}}

  driver = manualroute
  domains = ! +local_domains
  transport = remote_smtp
  route_data = ${extract{host}{${lookup {$sender_address}lsearch*@{/etc/exim/outbound-settings}}}{$value}fail}
  dnssec_request_domains = *
  address_data = ${lookup {$sender_address}lsearch*@{/etc/exim/outbound-settings}}
  condition = ${extract{socks}{${lookup {$sender_address}lsearch*@{/etc/exim/outbound-settings}}}{yes}{no}}
  self = send

  driver = manualroute
  domains = ! +local_domains
  transport = remote_smtp
  route_data = ${extract{host}{${lookup {$sender_address}lsearch*@{/etc/exim/outbound-settings}}}{$value}fail}
  dnssec_request_domains = *
  address_data = ${lookup {$sender_address}lsearch*@{/etc/exim/outbound-settings}}

# local mail handling goes here

begin transports

  driver = smtp
  port = ${extract{port}{$address_data}{$value}{25}}
  hosts_require_auth = ${extract{authreq}{$address_data}{${if eq{$value}{yes}{*}{$value}}}{}}
  hosts_require_tls = ${extract{tls}{$address_data}{${if eq{$value}{yes}{*}{$value}}}{}}
  hosts_avoid_tls = ${extract{tls}{$address_data}{${if eq{$value}{no}{*}{}}}{}}
  tls_sni = ${extract{tlssni}{$address_data}{$value}{}}
  tls_require_ciphers = ${extract{tlshigh}{$address_data}{${if eq{$value}{yes}{TLS_CLIENT_HIGHSEC_CIPHERSPEC}{TLS_CLIENT_DEFAULT_CIPHERSPEC}}}{TLS_CLIENT_DEFAULT_CIPHERSPEC}}
  tls_verify_certificates = ${extract{tlsverify}{$address_data}{/usr/local/etc/openssl/certs}fail}
  hosts_try_dane = *
  helo_data = ${extract{helo}{$address_data}{$value}{$primary_hostname}}
  hide socks_proxy = ${extract{socks}{$address_data}{<; </ $value}fail}

Then the file /etc/exim/outbound-settings looks something like this:   host=localhost  port=26   socks=  helo=laptop.socks.proxy  tls=no
*    host=localhost  port=587  socks=  helo=laptop.socks.proxy  tls=no
*:                host=localhost  socks=  helo=laptop.socks.proxy  tls=no

# Only enable this if you have DKIM signing with a published key on your laptop
#DNSLOOKUP:     socks=


This relies upon you having a local user who can ssh; you could also have this linkage as a system service using a passphraseless SSH key which has restrictions upon it on the remote server.

If you kill the SSH session, the SOCKS proxy will disappear and mail will build up in the queue. When you bring back the SSH link, tickle the Exim queue and the mail will flow out.

The logging of SOCKS details is currently (4.89) a little hidden. Use -d+transport to turn on debugging, including the transport area, to see connections fail, etc.

Bonus: authentication

The above hints at authreq being an allowed key in the outbound-settings file, to require authentication before sending. Here are the Exim authenticators used with this setup:

begin authenticators

  driver            = cram_md5
  public_name       = CRAM-MD5
  client_condition  = ${if !eq{$tls_out_cipher}{}}
  client_name       = ${extract{user}{$address_data}{$value}fail}
  client_secret     = ${extract{password}{$address_data}{$value}fail}

  driver             = plaintext
  public_name        = PLAIN
  client_condition   = ${if !eq{$tls_out_cipher}{}}
  client_send        = ^${extract{user}{$address_data}{$value}fail}^${sg{${extract{password}{$address_data}{$value}fail}}{\N\^\N}{^^}}

Depending upon your views of the security of CRAM-MD5, you might remove the requirement that TLS be established for that authenticator.

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