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SRS config using Perl Mail::SRS

Heiko Schlittermann edited this page Sep 11, 2020 · 8 revisions

A SRS configuration using Perl Mail::SRS

SRS can be configured using Exim's capability to embed the Perl interpreter. This shouldn't cost too much, as loading the Perl interpreter is deferred until it the ${perl } expansion is used for the first time.


  1. Make sure that your Exim version comes with Perl support built in.
    $ exim -bP macro _HAVE_PERL
  2. Install the Perl module Mail::SRS using your favourite package manager.


  1. Define a macro with the domain you'd like to use for "masquerading" the rewritten senders. And do not forget to add this domain to your local domains.

    SRS_DOMAIN = <domain>
    domainlist local_domains = SRS_DOMAIN : …
  2. Load the Mail::SRS module into Exim and define 2 simple functions, srs, and unsrs:

    # replace 'geheim' with a password of your choice
    hide perl_startup = use Mail::SRS;                          \
                my $srs = Mail::SRS->new(Secret => 'geheim');   \
                sub srs { $srs->forward(shift, 'SRS_DOMAIN') }  \
                sub unsrs { $srs->reverse(shift) }
  3. Define two conditions as macros to ease the following configuration:

    • sender domain has SPF
      SENDER_HAS_SPF = !eq{none}{${lookup{$sender_address}spf{}{$value}{none}}}
    • sender is not a local domain
      SENDER_ISNT_LOCAL_DOMAIN = !inlist{$sender_address_domain}{${listnamed:+local_domains}}
  4. In the transport section, configure the return path modification for all remote transports, based on the conditions defined above.

    # SMTP transport
      driver = smtp
      return_path = ${if and{{SENDER_ISNT_LOCAL_DOMAIN}{SENDER_HAS_SPF}}\
  5. Bounces coming back to the "masquerading" domain must be de-masqueraded. Configure a router and place this router before any other router handling local domains.

      driver = redirect
      senders = :
      domains = SRS_DOMAIN
      local_parts = ^(?i)srs[01]=
      data = ${perl{unsrs}{$local_part@$domain}}
  6. You may want to watch the sender rewriting. Add a suitable selector to the log selector bits:

    log_selector = +return_path_on_delivery

Test outgoing

Send a message from a SPF protected domain, watch the log, and do the same with a domain not protected by SPF:

$ exim -v -f 'foo@<spf-protected-domain>'
$ exim -v -f 'foo@<non-spf-protected-domain>'
$ exim -v -f '<>'

Test incoming

Check, if the modified return path from the above test will be rewritten properly for the empty sender:

$ exim -f '<>' -bt 'SRS0…'

Contact if you have any suggestions.

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