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ExPaNDS objectives dashboard per partner

Sophie Servan edited this page Oct 20, 2022 · 36 revisions

The target values for the KPIs associated to each objective were defined following ExPaNDS mid-term review and are further monitored here. See periodic progress report and minutes from associated extended PEB.

Objective 1: to deliver the EOSC to the wide variety of Photon and Neutron users

🎯 14000 scientists reached by ExPaNDS dissemination

Facility Status of ambassador engagement from user community Actions taken for senior level engagement
Diamond Active community of 40 ambassadors, developing several use cases
ISIS Brian to discuss FAIR with LENS chair

Objective 2: to enable FAIR scientific data at European national RIs

🎯 10/10 facilities with a plan to implement at least one FAIR-related action as a direct effect of ExPaNDS

Facility FAIR-related actions and status
ALBA - New section for scientific data management created in 2021 ✔️
- Data policy update ⏳
- PID implementation application sent to Datacite ⏳
- ICAT in one (SAXS) beamline ✔️, 2 more beamlines in 2022 ⏳
DESY - PID implementation for data: requested by customer (PETRA III), generally considered by library ⏳
- Metadata recording (and e-log books) will be continued in the frame of DAPHNE4NDFI
Diamond - Diamond is currently reviewing its data policy, pending EXEC approval with emphasis on FAIR principles ⏳
- Diamond is part of the ORCID consortium ✔️
- Review and use of PaNET ontology ⏳
Elettra - FAIR-compliant data policy: improvement on the way: ready for approvement by AC ⏳
- DOIs generated by most of the beamlines for raw data, for sure for the proposals ✔️
- Metadata are partially gathered in HDF + from VUO/proposal ⏳
- DMP implementation WIP ⏳
HZB - Issue PIDs for raw data ⏳
HZDR - Update FAIR-compliant data policy ⏳
MAX IV - DOIs can be generated for data sets (using SciCAT) ✔️
PSI - Data policy update underway ⏳
- ELN deployment with availability by spring 2022 ⏳
- PIDs for all datasets and DOIs for published data ✔️
- DMP at facility and RI level training available ✔️
SOLEIL - DOIs can be generated for UO/Proposals, In Progress for DataSets ⏳
- MetaData for acquisition DataSets already gathered in Nexus Files ✔️
- DMP implemented later ⏳
ISIS - Already doing many of the FAIR criteria (PIDs, Data Repository, Access protocols etc) ✔️
- Revision of Data Policy. Introduction of Data Licencing to Data Policy. ⏳
- Looking at use of Ontology. ⏳

Objective 3: to make national RI data accessible to user communities via the EOSC

🎯 Progress towards FAIR (meta)data catalogue at 65%

N.B: the status towards a reachable OAI-PMH endpoint is already monitored in this table.

Facility PaN search API endpoint status Open data catalogue in EOSC status
ALBA Pending on ICAT ⏳ Not planned ❌
DESY Integrated in SciCAT in the process of installation at PETRA ⏳ Planned ⏳
Diamond Pending on ICAT ⏳ Planned ⏳
EGI Hosting central PaN search portal ❓ N/A
Elettra Pending on ICAT ⏳ Planned ⏳
HZB Pending on ICAT ⏳ Not considered yet ❌
HZDR Interface between RODARE and PaN search open ⏳ Partly done ⏳
MAX IV Internally deployed, testing planned ⏳ Planned ⏳
PSI Internally only for now, external host identified and migrate in Spring/summer 2022 ⏳ PSI public data repository ✔️
SOLEIL Integrated in SciCAT in the process of installation at SOLEIL Not considered yet ❌
ISIS Currently under development as part of the ICAT implementation ⏳ Not considered yet ❌

Objective 4: to enrich the set of data services available in the EOSC with services from national RIs

🎯 5 reference analysis pipelines available in EOSC and 10/11 partners registered as service providers in EOSC

Facility EOSC provider registration status Jupyter or VM service onboarding status Tested pipeline running status
ALBA Not yet ⏳ Not yet ⏳ Not yet ⏳
DESY Registered ✔️ - PaN notebook onboarded (to be updated) ✔️
- container registry or use of EGI's in discussion ⏳
Containerised CrystFEL in development ⏳
Diamond Registered ✔️ Diamond Remote Desktop onboarded ✔️ Not yet ⏳
EGI Registered ✔️ - container registry from FedCloud ✔️
+ notebook service Binder instance will also be available (publication as the main component of the EGI Notebooks service in progress) ⏳
Elettra no ❌ In progress (Jupyter is under evaluation locally) ⏳ no ❌
HZDR Registered ✔️ OpenStack environment is provided, Jupyter NBs are in development, one pilot available ⏳ Plan to add THz spectroscopy running Jupyter notebook and full-field tomography use cases ⏳
MAX IV Not yet… will have to ask Lund University ⏳ In progress (Jhub on k8s), not in EOSC ⏳ Plan to add ptycho-tomography use case ⏳
PSI Registered ✔️ NoMachine Remote Desktop Service ✔️
SOLEIL Registered ✔️ Planned ⏳ Planned ⏳
ISIS Registered via STFC ✔️ Plan to register DAAS platform in EOSC ⏳ Plan to add SANS and reflectometry use cases in Jupyter notebooks in virtual machines ⏳

Objective 5: to raise the level of awareness and competence in FAIR data practices within user communities

🎯 500 participants in total to all ExPaNDS training workshops

Facility Plans for ExPaNDS-related training workshops at facility level Plans to advertise the platform at facility level

Objective 6: to engage with the EOSC programme to empower national RI user communities and to maintain sustainability

🎯 5/11 partners in the EOSC Association

Facility EOSC-A membership status EOSC-A TF participation ℹ️
ALBA Member ✔️
DESY Observer ✔️
EGI Member ✔️ Diego in technical interoperability TF
Elettra Member ✔️
HZDR Not yet, potential observer ⏳ Uwe in SQ TF
SOLEIL Observer ✔️
ISIS No - subject to UKRI position in HE programme ⏳ Juan in RoP TF