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ExPaNDS objectives dashboard per partner

Sophie Servan edited this page Feb 24, 2023 · 36 revisions

The target values for the KPIs associated to each objective were defined following ExPaNDS mid-term review and are further monitored here. See periodic progress report and minutes from associated extended PEB.

Objective 1: to deliver the EOSC to the wide variety of Photon and Neutron users

🎯 14000 scientists reached by ExPaNDS dissemination

Objective 2: to enable FAIR scientific data at European national RIs

🎯 10/10 facilities with a plan to implement at least one FAIR-related action as a direct effect of ExPaNDS

Facility FAIR-related actions and status
ALBA - New section for scientific data management created in 2021 ✔️
- Data policy update ⏳
- PID implementation application sent to Datacite ⏳
- ICAT in one (SAXS) beamline ✔️, 2 more beamlines in 2022 ⏳
DESY - PID implementation for data: requested by customer (PETRA III), generally considered by library ⏳
- Metadata recording (and e-log books) will be continued in the frame of DAPHNE4NDFI
Diamond - Diamond is currently reviewing its data policy, pending EXEC approval with emphasis on FAIR principles ⏳
- Diamond is part of the ORCID consortium ✔️
- Review and use of PaNET ontology ⏳
Elettra - FAIR-compliant data policy approved and updated in 02/2022 ✔️
- DOIs generated by most of the beamlines for raw data, for sure for the proposals ✔️
- Metadata are partially gathered in HDF + from VUO/proposal ⏳
- DMP implementation WIP ⏳
HZB - Issue PIDs for raw data ✔️
- Implement PaNET in the metadata catalogue ✔️
HZDR - Update FAIR-compliant data policy ⏳
MAX IV - DOIs can be generated for data sets (using SciCAT) ✔️
PSI - Data policy updated ✔️
- ELN deployment with availability by spring 2022 ⏳
- PIDs for all datasets and DOIs for published data ✔️
- DMP at facility and RI level training available ✔️
SOLEIL - DOIs can be generated for UO/Proposals, In Progress for DataSets ⏳
- MetaData for acquisition DataSets already gathered in Nexus Files ✔️
- DMP implemented later ⏳
ISIS - Already doing many of the FAIR criteria (PIDs, Data Repository, Access protocols etc) ✔️
- Revision of Data Policy. Introduction of Data Licencing to Data Policy. ✔️
- Looking at use of Ontology. ⏳

Objective 3: to make national RI data accessible to user communities via the EOSC

🎯 Progress towards FAIR (meta)data catalogue at 65%

Facility Data catalogue OAI-PMH endpoint status PaN search API endpoint status Open data catalogue in EOSC status
ALBA ICAT Needs to be reinstalled after ICAT upgrade Pending on ICAT ⏳ Not planned ❌
DESY SciCat Integrated in SciCat in the process of installation at PETRA ⏳
Diamond ICAT Pending on ICAT Pending on ICAT ⏳ Planned ⏳
Elettra ICAT In place - records available ✔️ In place ✔️ CERIC Data Portal ✔️
HZB ICAT In place - records available ✔️ Pending on ICAT ⏳ Not considered yet ❌
HZDR Invenio In place - records available ✔️ Interface between RODARE and PaN search open ⏳ Partly done ⏳
MAX IV SciCat In place - records available ✔️ In place ✔️ Pending on Lund registering as EOSC provider ⏳
PSI SciCat In place - records available ✔️ In place ✔️ PSI public data repository ✔️
SOLEIL SciCat Integrated in SciCat in the process of installation at SOLEIL Integrated in SciCAT in the process of installation at SOLEIL Not considered yet ❌
ISIS ICAT In place - records available (prod)
In place - records available (dev)
In place ✔️
Search API implemented as part of the DataGateway-API
Not considered yet ❌

Objective 4: to enrich the set of data services available in the EOSC with services from national RIs

🎯 5 reference analysis pipelines available in EOSC and 10/11 partners registered as service providers in EOSC

Facility EOSC provider registration status Jupyter or VM service onboarding status Tested pipeline running status
ALBA Registered ✔️ Not yet ⏳ Not yet ⏳
DESY Registered ✔️ - PaN notebook onboarded (to be updated) ✔️
- container registry or use of EGI's in discussion ⏳
- ⏳
Serial crystallography and in VISA
Diamond Registered ✔️ Diamond Remote Desktop onboarded ✔️ Electron scanning diffraction imaging
EGI Registered ✔️ - container registry from FedCloud ✔️
+ notebook service Binder instance will also be available (publication as the main component of the EGI Notebooks service in progress) ⏳
Elettra no ❌ In progress (Jupyter is under evaluation locally) ⏳ no ❌
HZDR Registered ✔️ - OpenStack environment is provided, not in EOSC ⏳
- Jupyter NBs are in development, one pilot available ⏳
- GitLab CI/CD container registry ⏳
THz spectroscopy
MAX IV Not yet… legal problems with Lund University ⏳ In progress (Jhub on k8s), not in EOSC ⏳ Ptycho-tomography
PSI Registered ✔️ NoMachine Remote Desktop Service ✔️ Full-field tomography use case
SOLEIL Registered ✔️ Planned ⏳ Planned ⏳
ISIS Registered via STFC ✔️ IDAaaS platform in EOSC ✔️ SANS

Objective 5: to raise the level of awareness and competence in FAIR data practices within user communities

🎯 500 participants in total to all ExPaNDS training workshops

Objective 6: to engage with the EOSC programme to empower national RI user communities and to maintain sustainability

🎯 5/11 partners in the EOSC Association

Facility EOSC-A membership status EOSC-A TF participation ℹ️
ALBA Member ✔️
DESY Observer ✔️
Diamond Not possible
EGI Member ✔️ Diego in technical interoperability TF
Elettra Member ✔️
HZDR Not yet, potential observer ⏳ Uwe in SQ TF
MAX IV Member ✔️
SOLEIL Observer ✔️
ISIS Not possible Juan in RoP TF