Releases: ExPaNDS-eu/ExPaNDS-experimental-techniques-ontology
What's Changed
- remove releases/latest-release/PaNET.owl by @paulmillar in #103
- remove redundant ontology metadata file by @paulmillar in #69
- Create new GitHub Workflow to automate certain tasks by @paulmillar in #123
- Remove generated PaNET.owl file by @paulmillar in #124
- Remove version information from PaNET metadata by @paulmillar in #133
- Add Paul Millar as a creator by @paulmillar in #125
- Generate reasoned version of PaNET by @paulmillar in #134
- Teach git to ignore panet-build generated output by @paulmillar in #131
- Change line ending from DOS- to Unix-style. by @paulmillar in #129
- Remove named individuals by @paulmillar in #142
- Add example of PaNET being used by @paulmillar in #143
- Add text declaration of files by @paulmillar in #147
- Add workflow job to validate PaNET_metadata.ttl by @paulmillar in #146
- Fix two validation errors in PaNET_metadata.ttl by @paulmillar in #145
- SS-112-115-118-Modification-of-PaNET01236-PaNET01106-PaNET01196 by @spc93 in #157
- Preparing for release by @spc93 in #161
New Contributors
- @paulmillar made their first contribution in #103
Full Changelog: v1.1.0...v1.2.0
What's Changed
- Removing www from uri by @agbeltran in #41
- Ontology documentation by @agbeltran in #33
- Adding merged ontology for release and changing the automated generat… by @agbeltran in #43
- Fixes bugs (spectroscopy, inelastic SAS), adds disjoints, no inferred… by @spc93 in #114
- Add G.Koumoutsos as creator by @spc93 in #121
- Add initial version of for v1.1.0 by @spc93 in #122
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v1.0.0...v1.1.0
First release of the PaNET ontology
Documentation of the PaNET has been improved and a CI to automatically generate documentation has been set up.
Pre-release of the PaNET ontology made publicly available on BioPortal
This is a pre-release version of the PaNET ontology made publicly available in BioPortal and as part of the deliverable D3.2
The release version will include the CI pipeline that will automatically generate the ontology documentation. The documentation will be made available through a different branch gh-pages as GitHub pages.
This is a pre-release version.
This version will contain the spreadsheet and owl file of the PaN experimental techniques ontology uploaded to the private PANET ontology on BioPortal as 0.3.5. The main purpose of this release is to provide an initial version of the ontology for feedback and initial search API development.