codd# everyandrey_infra
testapp_IP = testapp_port = 9292
gcloud compute instances create reddit-app
--image-family ubuntu-1604-lts
--tags puma-server
gcloud compute firewall-rules create default-puma-server
The main purpose is creating images
Build full image cd packer && packer build immutable.json
Launch the virtual machine:
gcloud compute instances create reddit-app
--tags puma-server
Build app/db image from repo directory packer build -var-file=packer/variables.json packer/app.json packer build -var-file=packer/variables.json packer/db.json
Packer is used gcloud tool when is used googlecompute type gcloud auth application-default login
ssh andrey@ip ~/.ssh/appuser - private key
Responsible for creating and supporting cloud infrastracture
create two stages - prod stage you can disable provisioners by setting enable_provisioner = false in in each stage
from stage/prod apply: terraform-12 apply -auto-approve destroy: terraform-12 destroy -auto-approve
Inventory - is used for declaring set of hosts Created a static inventory(ini), inventory.yml and inventory.json. Also created inventory.gcp.yml which uses special gcp_compute module to getting data from the gcp cloud. Despite the documentation, the property "service_account_file" is strictly required!
Dynamic inventory get data from the cloud (or somewhere else) by preparing a xml file (the format like _meta: {..}, group_name1: {}, group_name2: {}, groups: {}) On this groups you can link by group name in host field of ansible playbook.
create directory structure: ansible-galaxy init dir_name
role install: ansible-galaxy install -r environments/stage/requirements.yml
encrypting data: ansible-vault encrypt/decrypt 'file_name'
The encrypting key is placed in ~/.ansible/vault.key and pointed in ansible.cfg