TrailLamp is a lightweight, easy-to-use Php MVC framework that can be used to build web applications and REST APIs.
Traillamp v1.1.0 is out 🤩 Check out the release
Clone this directory and rename and place in your project directory
APP_KEY: A unique application identifier
APP_URL: Main server url of your application with no ending slash example http://TrailLamp.test or
APP_ENC_KEY: A string used for encryption and decryption purposes
APP_NAME: Your application/API name
APP_VERSION: Your application or API version
MYSQLI_HOST: Your SQL host example localhost
MYSQLI_USER: Your SQL username, default is root
MYSQLI_DATABASE: The database name
First set environment variables in .env file. Then point to the appropriate url on your browser or on your cmd or terminal, run the following command
php index.php
TrailLamp needs a virtual host to run. For local development, Laragon can be used to develop applications with TrailLamp
All routes are set in the routes.php file. A simple route can be written as follows.
$router->get("/", "Controller@Main");
Here the request method is specified (TrailLamp currently supports only GET and POST requests)
The first parameter is the relative route path or url
The second parameter is the Controller name and the controller method separated by an @ sign Routes can also be called with functions. Eg
$router->get("/", function(){
echo "ok";
All request values(like form values whose action was set to a specified route) can be gotten via your controller $request std class as follows
$name = $this->request->name
All uploaded files can be accessed via controller using
$file = $this->files
Remember to use the appropriate request method in your routes file
Routes with parameters are called with the parameter names in curly brackets example
$router->get("/about/{name}", "Controller@Main");
Thus visiting url/about/Etorojah will call the Main method in the Controller class.
Multiple parameters are supported. To get the values of the parameters in the controller method, simply use
$this->params[string param-name]
echo $this->params["name"];
will return Etorojah and can be used to perform any necessary action.
Parameter values can also be accessed in views
echo $this->params["name"];
Parameters cannot be passed to a function. Always use controllers
Models relate with the database directly. Every model created inherits the parent class TrailModel.
To create a model, run the following command on the TrailLamp console
create model Modelname
Model names should start with a capital letter and the filename must be the same as the class name
By default, four model methods are created(create, read, update and delete). These methods can be deleted if not needed and your own defined methods called.
Call the query method from your model method eg getprod() with the query string as a parameter
$q = $this->query("SELECT * FROM products" );
You can then manipulate your results as seen fit eg
while($r= mysqli_fetch_array($q)){
//your code
return result;
Remember to always validate and sanitize your inputs before making queries
In your controller class method, reference the model using the include() method
create a new instance of the model
$prod = new ProductModel();
And call the model method to get the results
Simply run the following command on your TrailLamp console
delete model ModelName
Controller perform majority of the app functions.
To create a controller, run the following command on the TrailLamp console
create controller ControllerName
Controller file name and class name must be the same. All controllers inherit the default TrailLamp controller class
Views can be called via the controller using $this->view(string file name);
Do not include the file extension
Redirects can also be performed via controller using $this->redirect(relative_url)
Remember to reference this route in your routes.php file
All files in the view folder are views.
To create a view simply run the following on the TrailLamp console
create view ViewName
Models can be called within views for example when displaying data from database
First reference the model file
Create an instance of the class
And call the class method from the view
Just three lines suffice in views
$prod = new Model();
In your model method the query and result can be echoed
$q = $this->query("SELECT * FROM products" );
while($r= mysqli_fetch_array($q)){
echo '<h1>'.$r["name"].'</h1> ';
The console helps your easily run TrailLamp commands
Create model
create model Modelname
Create controller
create controller ControllerName
Create view
create view ViewName
View error log
view error log
Clear error log
clear error log
Delete model
delete model ModelName
Delete view
delete view ViewName
Delete controller
delete controller ControllerName
To perform migrations simply rename your migration file to migrations.sql and then place in the migrations directory
Then point to https://url-path/migrations/migrations.php on your browser example
All Ajax and fetch requests are to be routed to requests.php file in the TrailLamp request folder In your request, simply call the controller name and method separated by an @ using
$req->attachController($callback, $method)
where callback is the controller name and method separated by an @ and the method is the request type
To encrypt a text or url, first include the utility/Encryption.php file
Create a new instance of the class Encryption()
And call the appropriate method encrypt() or decrypt() with the string/hash as parameter
$enc = new Encryption();
$enc->encrypt("Hi"); or
Any error while developing is shown on the screen. The error is also logged into the error_log file for reference purposes The error log file can be cleared with the clear error log command
Any issues found, please create an issue.
To contribute to this project, send an email to or call +234 803 264 5840