ESP, EthereumSafePay, is an Ethereum smart contract application currently under development to make payments of ether easier and less error prone, especially for untapped millions of newcomers who have never tried to use a cryptocurrency.
Version 1.0 of the smart contract is nearing completion. The next step is to create an easy-to-use front-end. Once that's complete, it would be wonderful to see it included with or linked from the popular ethereum wallets.
- Reversible transfers
- "All transfers are final."
- Not any more! In fact, All Your Transfer Are Belong To Us. Just kidding, the funds are still yours until the recipient claims them.
- Cancellable payments
- "Help! I just sent my life savings and my family's grocery money to this address: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000123, can someone please help me get it back?"
- We can't get back what's already lost but we can prevent it from happening like that ever again. Since no one owns an address like that, no one may claim the funds and you can have the payment cancelled at any time.
- Refundable payments
- "My client paid for his session a week in advance, but now he must cancel."
- No problem! You can easily refund his payment in full or in any sized portion, perhaps keeping some as a down-payment for his next visit.
- Automatic payments
- "I'm a merchant, and now that transfers are reversible, I have to acknowedge every payment I receive. Isn't there a better way?"
- Since you actually exist, you can easily register your address for a miniscule fee, and have payements delivered automatically as they always would have before.
- ERC20 Token Support
- More premium features to be unlocked by a tiny fee.
If you have a talent for creating an awesome user experience, I need your help. I'm not good at UI design and this project could benefit from having someone who is.
(c) 2017 Dennis Estenson