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Carlo Barazzetta edited this page Dec 4, 2018 · 5 revisions


The following definitions are provided to enhance the clarity,consistency and understanding of some of the terms used in this document.

Attribute - means InstantObjects Attribute. A business class property with persistence provided by the InstantObjects framework.

Business Class - is a class that models an object in the business domain. The class is derived from TInstantObject to provide persistence through the InstantObjects framework.

Class - is a blueprint from which objects are created.

Column - see Field.

Connection - is a component used to gain access to a specific database.

Container Attribute - has an attribute type of either Parts or References.

Evolving a database - the process of restructuring a database to accommodate a modified model in such a way that existing data is preserved.

Field - the smallest structure in a database. It represents an attribute of a business class and actually stores the attribute value within the database.

Broker - is used by InstantObjects to manage objects persistently,and is database specific.

InstantObjects - the integrated framework for developing object-oriented persistent business solutions in Delphi.

Model - means an InstantObjects Model that is a collection of classes and their metadata representing a business domain and the information needed to provide data persistence.

Object - is an instance of a class.

Persistence - the issue of how to save objects to permanent storage.Persistence provides the ability for objects to exist between executions of a system or application.

RAD - Rapid Application Development.

Record - A structure that is composed of a set of values for every field within a table and represents the attribute values for a unique instance of the table's business class.

Relational Attribute - has an attribute type of either Part, Reference, Parts or References.

Table - the chief structure in a database. It is composed of fields and records and usually represents the collection of attribute values for instances of a single, specific business class.

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