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Configure Outputs

Joe Bayles edited this page Jan 31, 2017 · 1 revision

To run the AirC2 GeoEvent simulations, some output connectors are required. First, several Update Feature outputs are needed to generate real-time modifications to feature services. These outputs are used to show aircraft tracking behavior, to render ACOs as active vs. inactive, and to generate alerts. Additionally, two Stream Service outputs will be created to demonstrate streaming behavior in web maps.

  1. Create a new Update a Feature output connector named AirC2-UpdateFeatureService-ACOStatus. Use the following table to configure the connector:
  2. Field Value
    Name AirC2-UpdateFeatureService-ACOStatus
    ArcGIS Server Connection AirC2 AGS Server
    Folder AirC2
    Service Name AirC2_ACO_Status (FeatureServer)
    Layer Airspace Control Means - Status (0)
    Unique Feature Identifier Field name
    Update Interval (seconds) 0.1
    Generate Flat JSON Yes
    Formatted JSON No
    Delete Old Features No
    Maximum Features per Transaction 500
    Update Only No
  3. Create a new Update a Feature output connector named AirC2-UpdateFeatureService-TargetThreatAlerts. Use the following table to configure the connector:
  4. Field Value
    Name AirC2-UpdateFeatureService-TargetThreatAlerts
    ArcGIS Server Connection AirC2 AGS Server
    Folder AirC2
    Service Name AirC2_AirspaceAlerts (FeatureServer)
    Layer Military Range Dome Alert (0)
    Unique Feature Identifier Field callsign
    Update Interval (seconds) 1
    Generate Flat JSON Yes
    Formatted JSON No
    Delete Old Features Yes
    Maximum Feature Age (minutes) 1
    Frequency of Deleting Old Features (seconds) 10
    Time Field in Feature Class alerttime
    Maximum Features per Transaction 500
    Update Only No
  5. Create a new Update a Feature output connector named AirC2-UpdateFeatureService-AirspaceControlMeasureAlert. Use the following table to configure the connector:
  6. Field Value
    Name AirC2-UpdateFeatureService-AirspaceControlMeasureAlert
    ArcGIS Server Connection AirC2 AGS Server
    Folder AirC2
    Service Name AirC2_AirspaceAlerts (FeatureServer)
    Layer Airspace Control Measure Alert (1)
    Unique Feature Identifier Field callsign
    Update Interval (seconds) 1
    Generate Flat JSON Yes
    Formatted JSON No
    Delete Old Features Yes
    Maximum Feature Age (minutes) 1
    Frequency of Deleting Old Features (seconds) 10
    Time Field in Feature Class alerttime
    Maximum Features per Transaction 500
    Update Only No
  7. Create a new Update a Feature output connector named AirC2-UpdateFeatureService-MilitaryAirTracks. Use the following table to configure the connector:
  8. Field Value
    Name AirC2-UpdateFeatureService-MilitaryAirTracks
    ArcGIS Server Connection AirC2 AGS Server
    Folder AirC2
    Service Name AirC2_MilitaryAirTracks (FeatureServer)
    Layer AirTracks (0)
    Unique Feature Identifier Field uniquedesignation
    Update Interval (seconds) 1
    Generate Flat JSON Yes
    Formatted JSON No
    Delete Old Features No
    Maximum Features per Transaction 500
    Update Only Yes
  9. Create a new Update a Feature output connector named AirC2-UpdateFeatureService-CivilianAirTracks. Use the following table to configure the connector:
  10. Field Value
    Name AirC2-UpdateFeatureService-CivilianAirTracks
    ArcGIS Server Connection AirC2 AGS Server
    Folder AirC2
    Service Name AirC2_CivilianAirTracks (FeatureServer)
    Layer Civilian Air Tracks (0)
    Unique Feature Identifier Field id
    Update Interval (seconds) 1
    Generate Flat JSON Yes
    Formatted JSON No
    Delete Old Features No
    Maximum Features per Transaction 500
    Update Only No
  11. Create a new Send Features to a Stream Service output connector named AirC2-StreamServiceOut-CivilianAirTracks. Use the following tables to configure the connector:
  12. Field Value
    Name AirC2-StreamServiceOut-CivilianAirTracks
    GeoEvent Definition Name AirC2-CivilianAirTracksIn
    ArcGIS Server Connection AirC2 AGS Server
    Folder AirC2
    Stream Service Name AirC2-StreamServiceOut-CivilianAirTracks
    Update Interval (seconds) 0.01
    Formatted JSON No
    Enforce Unique TrackID No
    		<table class="bordered stripe lined-columns lined-rows">
    					<td>Geometry Type</td>
    					<td>Display Field Name</td>
    					<td>Store latest</td>
    					<td>Related Features</td>
    		<li>Create a new Send Features to a Stream Service output connector named AirC2-StreamServiceOut-MilitaryAirTracks. Use the following tables to configure the connector:</li>							
    		<table class="bordered stripe lined-columns lined-rows">
    					<td>GeoEvent Definition Name</td>
    					<td>ArcGIS Server Connection</td>
    					<td>AirC2 AGS Server</td>
    					<td>Stream Service Name</td>
    					<td>Update Interval (seconds)</td>
    					<td>Formatted JSON</td>
    					<td>Enforce Unique TrackID</td>
    		<table class="bordered stripe lined-columns lined-rows">
    					<td>Geometry Type</td>
    					<td>Display Field Name</td>
    					<td>Store latest</td>
    					<td>Related Features</td>