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Configure Military Services

Joe Bayles edited this page Jan 31, 2017 · 1 revision

The AirC2-MilitaryTracks service performs similar operations as the AirC2-CivilianTracks service but takes as its input simulated military aircraft data. The major difference is that the input connector recognizes simulations using a schema (GeoEvent definition) supporting military aircraft. Additionally, the connector listens to a different TCP port over which the simulated data is transmitted.

  1. Create a new GeoEvent service called AirC2-MilitaryTracks.
  2. Add the AirC2-tcp-text-in-military-air-tracks input.
  3. Drag the AirC2-StreamServiceOut-MilitaryAirTracks output service into the GeoEvent Service Designer. Connect the output to the AirC2-tcp-text-in-military-air-tracks input connector. This will write the simulated data to a stream service.
  4. Create a new Field Mapper Processor. Use the following tables to configure the FieldMapper
  5. Field Value
    Name Map Fields to Feature Output
    Processor Field Mapper
    Source GeoEvent Definition AirC2-MilitaryAirTracksIn
    Target GeoEvent Definition Airc2-UpdateFeature-MilitaryAirTracks-FieldMapper
    Source Field Target Field
    id uniquedesignation
    lat x
    lon y
    alt z
    time datetimevalid
    SIDC_2525D symbolid_2525d
    geometry geometry
    Connect the field mapper to the AirC2-tcp-text-in-military-air-tracks input.
  6. Drag the AirC2-UpdateFeatures-MilitaryAirTracks output service into the GeoEvent Service Designer. Connect the output to the Field Mapper processor created in the last step. This will write the simulated data to the feature service.
  7. Create a new filter called 'Remove Targets Altitude Below 1'. This filter will allow only features that have an altitude greater than 1. This eliminates features identified as targets (targets are all set with an altitude of 0) from the simulation as targets will always be inside their own threat area so we dont want them creating continuous alerts. Use the following query to configure the filter.
    • alt > 1

    Connect the filter to the AirC2-tcp-text-in military-airtracks input connector.
  8. Create a new GeoTag Processor. Use the table below to configure the processor. Once configured connect the processor to the Remove Targets Altitude Below 1 filter.
  9. Field Value
    Name GeoTag ACM on Entry
    Processor GeoTagger
    GeoFence AirspaceControlMeasures/*
    Spatial Operator Inside Any
    Geometry Field Name GEOMETRY
    Geotag Field Name ACMNameInside
    GeoTag Format Delimited Value
    Include GeoFence Category in GeoTag No
    New GeoEvent Definition Name AirC2-MilitaryAirTrack_InsideACM
  10. Create a new filter called 'Filter Out Non ACM Tagged Records (Entry)'. Set the query to:
    • NOT ACMNameInside = ""
    This filter removes all events that do not have values for the ACMNameInside field. This step is important because the GeoTagger Processor allows all events through regardless whether there is a valid GeoFence tagged to the event. Events that do not enter a GeoFence will have an ACMNameInside value of an empty String (""). These events will be filtered out. Once created connect to the 'GeoTag ACM on Entry' processor
  11. Create a Field Enricher processor. This processor will enrich the incoming event with fields from any ACO in which it is inside. The fields added to the incoming event are, min_height, max_height, status, and acm. Use the following table to check Field Enricher Processor:
  12. Field Value
    Name Add Min and Max Heights
    Processor Field Enricher (Feature Service)
    Server Connection AirC2 AGS Server
    Folder AirC2
    Service AirC2_ACO_Use (FeatureServer)
    Layer Airspace Control Means - Use (1)
    Feature Layer Join Field name
    Target Fields New Fields
    Enrichment Fields min_height, max_height, status, acm
    Field Tags
    New GeoEvent Definition Name AirC2-MilitaryAirTrack_InsideACM_Enriched
    GeoEvent Join Field ACMNameInside
    Cache Refresh Time Interval 1
    Maximum Cache Size 1000
    Connect the Field Enricher Processor to the 'Filter Out Non ACM Tagged Records' Filter.
  13. Create a new Filter called 'Filter Based on Altitude'. This filter tests whether an aircraft is within an ACO in the vertical coordinate system by comparing the current altitude of the aircraft to the minimum and maximum heights of an aco (enriched in the previous step) in which the aircraft has crossed in horizontal (latitude, longitude) coordinates. Set the filter query to:
    • alt >= ${min_height} AND alt <= ${max_height}

    Connect the filter to the Add Min Max Heights Field Enricher processor.
  14. Create a Field Calculator processor to modify the Status of the ACO. Use the following table to configure the processor.
  15. Field Value
    Name Calculate Status (Entry)
    Processor Field Calculator
    Expression 'ACTIVE'
    Target Field Existing Field
    Existing Field Name status
    Connect the Field Calculator processor to the 'Filter Based on Altitude' filter.
  16. Create a Field Mapper processor. This mapping will map the status and name of the ACO to the appropriate fields. Use the following tables to configure the processor:
  17. Field Value
    Name Map Status and Name
    Processor Field Mapper
    Source GeoEvent Definition AirC2-MilitaryAirTrack_InsideACM_Enriched
    Target GeoEvent Definition AirC2-Update_ACO_Status
    Source Field Target Field
    ACMNameInside name
    status status

    The first time setting up the service the input definition created when the event passes through the Add Min and Max Heights Field Enricher will not be present. Run the simulation until an event passes through the field enricher at which point the geoevent definition will be created.

    Connect the Field Mapper to the Field Calculator processor created in step 11.
  18. Drag the AirC2-UpdateFeatures-ACOStatus output onto the GeoEvent Service Designer and connect the Map Status and Name Field Mapper processor to it.
  19. Create a new GeoTag Processor. Use the table below to configure the processor. Once configured connect the processor to the Remove Targets Altitude Below 1 filter.
  20. Field Value
    Name GeoTag Air Control Means on Exit
    Processor GeoTagger
    GeoFence AirspaceControlMeasures/*
    Spatial Operator Exit Any
    Geometry Field Name GEOMETRY
    Geotag Field Name GeoTags
    GeoTag Format Delimited Value
    Include GeoFence Category in GeoTag No
    New GeoEvent Definition Name AirC2-MilitaryAirTrack_OutsideACM
  21. Create a new filter called 'Filter Out Non ACM Tagged Records (Exit)'. Set the filter's query to the following:
    • NOT GeoTags = ""

    This will filter out events that do not honor the GeoTagger's query created in step 14. Connect the filter to the GeoTagger created in the last step.
  22. Create a Field Enricher processor. This processor will enrich the incoming event with fields from any ACO in which it has exited (see GeoTagger in step 14). The field added to the incoming event is status. Use the following table to check Field Enricher Processor
  23. Field Value
    Name Add Status Field
    Processor Field Enricher (Feature Service)
    Server Connection AirC2 AGS Server
    Folder AirC2
    Service AirC2-ACO-Use
    Layer Airspace Control Means - Use (1)
    Feature Layer Join Field name
    Target Fields New Fields
    Enrichment Fields status
    Field Tags
    New GeoEvent Definition Name AirC2-MilitaryAirTrack_OutsideACM_Enriched
    GeoEvent Join Field GeoTags
    Cache Refresh Time Interval 1
    Maximum Cache Size 1000
    Connect the Field Enricher to the Filter created in step 15.
  24. Create a Field Calculator processor to modify the Status of the ACO. Use the following table to configure the processor:
  25. Field Value
    Name Calculate Status (Exit)
    Processor Field Calculator
    Expression 'INACTIVE'
    Target Field Existing Field
    Existing Field Name status
    Connect the Field Calculator to the Field Enricher created in step 16.
  26. Create a Field Mapper processor. This mapping will map the status and name of the ACO to the appropriate fields. Use the following tables to configure the processor.
  27. Field Value
    Name Map Name and Status
    Processor Field Mapper
    Source GeoEvent Definition AirC2-MilitaryAirTrack_OutsideACM_Enriched
    Target GeoEvent Definition AirC2-Update_ACO_Status
    Source Field Target Field
    GeoTags name
    status status

    The first time setting up the service the input definition created when the event passes through the Add Status Field Enricher will not be present. Run the simulation until an event passes through the field enricher at which point the geoevent definition will be created.

    Connect the Field Mapper to the Field Calculator processor created in step 17.
  28. Connect the Field mapper created in the previous step to the AirC2-UpdateFeatures-ACOStatus output connector.
  29. Create GeoTagger Processor. This processor will test whether an event is inside a threat area. Use the following table to configure the GeoTagger:
  30. Field Value
    Name GeoTag Range Dome Name
    Processor GeoTagger
    GeoFence RangeDomes/*
    Spatial Operator Inside Any
    Geometry Field Name GEOMETRY
    Geotag Field Name RangeDomeName
    GeoTag Format Delimited Value
    Include GeoFence Category in GeoTag No
    New GeoEvent Definition Name AirC2-MilitaryAirTrack_InsideThreatDome
    Connect the geoTagger to the Remove Targets Altitude Below 1 filter.
  31. Create a new Filter called 'Filter Out Non Range Tagged Records'. This filter will filter out any events that have not entered a Range Dome geoFence. Use the following query to configure the filter:
    • NOT RangeDomeName = ""

    Connect the filter to the GeoTag Range Dome Name processor
  32. Create a new Field Enricher processor. This processor will add the callsign and distance fields from a range dome to the event. use the table below to configure the Field Enricher:
  33. Field Value
    Name Add Distance and Callsign
    Processor Field Enricher (Feature Service)
    Server Connection AirC2 AGS Server
    Folder AirC2
    Service AirC2-TargetThreatAreas (FeatureServer)
    Layer Threat position Inner (m) (0)
    Feature Layer Join Field gtgt_name
    Target Fields New Fields
    Enrichment Fields distance, ac_callsign
    Field Tags
    New GeoEvent Definition Name AirC2-MilitaryAirTrack_InsideRangeDome_Enriched
    GeoEvent Join Field RangeDomeName
    Cache Refresh Time Interval 1
    Maximum Cache Size 1000
    Connect the Field Enricher processor to the filter created in step 21.
  34. Create a new Filter called 'Within Threat Range'. This filter will determine whether an event is within the vertical extent of the rangedome. Use the following query to configure the filter:
    • alt <= ${distance}

    Connect the filter to the Field Enricher created in step 22.
  35. Create a new Field Mapper Processor. Use the following tables to configure the Field Mapper:
  36. Field Value
    Name Map Fields to Threat Output
    Processor Field Mapper
    Source GeoEvent Definition AirC2-MilitaryAirTrack_InsideThreatDome_Enriched
    Target GeoEvent Definition AirC2-UpdateAirspaceAlert
    Source Field Target Field
    id callsign
    lat lat
    lon long
    alt alt
    $RECEIVED_TIME alerttime
    geometry geometry

    The first time setting up the service the input definition created when the event passes through the Add Distance and Callsign Field Enricher will not be present. Run the simulation until an event passes through the field enricher at which point the geoevent definition will be created.

    Connect the Field Mapper to the Field Calculator processor created in step 23.
  37. Drag the AirC2-UpdateFeatureService-TargetThreatAlerts output into the GeoEvent service designer. Connect the Field mapper created in step 24 to the output
  38. Create a new Filter called 'Filter based on ACM Type'. This filter will determine whether a military aircraft is flying within a Air Corridor or Route and filter these out as this is correct behaviour. Use the following query to configure the filter:
    • NOT acm = CORRTE

    Connect the filter to the Calculate Status processor created in step 11.
  39. Create a new Field Mapper Processor. Use the following tables to configure the FieldMapper
  40. Field Value
    Name Map Alerts
    Processor Field Mapper
    Source GeoEvent Definition AirC2-MilitaryAirTrack_InsideACM_Enriched
    Target GeoEvent Definition AirC2-UpdateAirspaceAlert
    Source Field Target Field
    id callsign
    lat lat
    lon long
    alt alt
    $RECEIVED_TIME alerttime
    geometry geometry

    The first time setting up the service the input definition created when the event passes through the Add Min Max Heights Field Enricher will not be present. Run the simulation until an event passes through the field enricher at which point the geoevent definition will be created.

    Connect the Field Mapper to the Filter, created in step 26.
  41. Drag the AirC2-UpdateFeatureService-ACOAlert output service into the GeoEvent Service Designer. Connect the output to the Field mapper created in step 27.