Refresh git-gutter+ on open-buffers after interactive magit-commit
With Quelpa
(use-package git-gutter-plus-refresh-on-magit-commit
:quelpa (git-gutter-plus-refresh-on-magit-commit
:fetcher github
:repo "EricCrosson/git-gutter-plus-refresh-on-magit-commit"))
Or manually, after downloading into your load-path
(require 'git-gutter-plus-refresh-on-magit-commit)
;;; Commentary:
;; This package provides a hack to refresh git-gutter+ in open
;; project-buffers after an interactive commit via magit.
;; This behavior appears to have been supported by git-gutter+ at some
;; time, but the project has not seen active development in some time and it is possible
;; that a more-recent version of magit broke this functionality.
;; As such, this code does not belong here but rather pushed upstream.
;; It is my intent to push this code upstream after some additional
;; optimizations are derived for performance.
;; Thanks for your understanding, patience and help making it so!
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