An Arduino-based home alarm with RFID, GSM and Bluetooth capabilities. More features are remote motion sensors and a database that stores all user info if the power should go off.
The end product was designed for UNO, but during development both UNO and MEGA were used, hence the src_uno, src_mega and src_unoSerial folders. All of them should work, the difference between src_uno and src_unoSerial is that in order to use Serial in the latter the GSM communication (originally on pins 0, 1) had to be moved.
In the Library folder there are a couple of own-written helper classes that the arduino code uses.
All Sensors and Modules to make this project GSM GSM800 RFID RFID-RC522 Bluetooth HC-05 Motion sensor HC-SR501 RF transmitter/reciever Any compatible pair Logic encoder/decoder HT12E/HT12D