1.3.3 build(1546) for Arma 3 v1.98+
32 commits
to release
since this release
[] - 2020-06-03
- Some Dupe fixes
- In some Cases, Players were not able to use Binocular in cargo of Vehicles by using R3F or AdvSlingLoad
- Player Krypto was not updated in Debug Monitor
- Ground Loot now shows as "ground" instead of "crate" in inventory
- Snappoint for half cinder walls on top was not 100% correct
- Some cleanups for no longer needed scripts
- Reduced Server calls for Loot Spawn (but not reduced Loot in general!)
- Replaced Karma by AntagonistKills in Topstats (because Karma is currently broken a bit)
- Better randomize left Vehicles in Traders (Do not only store Vehicles in Trader Slots order)
- Removed Thermal from assembled UAVs (by default)
Server Owners
- Reworked CfgServicePoint a bit (added Vehicles + smaller tweaks)
- Cleaned up some scripts - more usage of already existing sub functions (EPOCH_server_CargoSave / EPOCH_server_CargoLoad)
- Option in cfgepochclient "SupressBaseSpawnOnHomekillTime" to prevent Base spawn for xxx seconds after BaseKill
- Karma variable is currently broken and caused community stats to not save correctly.
- Community save should be fixed now. Karma is still WIP
- Added a Config "BaseCamOnlyHome" in cfgepochclient to allow Players to use Basecamterminal (from Inventory) outside their Base
- Picture get more and more noisy by distance
- Fixed an issue, that new expansion Backpacks could get doubled on restarts
- Added some more IDAP-Uniforms that don't require the Orange-DLC:
- U_C_IDAP_Man_cargo_F
- U_C_IDAP_Man_jeans_F
- U_C_IDAP_Man_TeeShorts_F
- U_C_IDAP_Man_Tee_F
- U_C_IDAP_Man_casual_F
- U_C_IDAP_Man_shorts_F