1069 commits
to production
since this release
1.1.0 (2023-03-13)
Bug Fixes
- dep-cors-issue: Fix cors (#21) (192645d)
- sechub-apigw-1: Add logging to API Gateway (#20) (9d76e59)
- stack tags part 2: This is the real fix for stack tagging, my mistake. (#18) (c2a89cd)
- tagging: Add missing stackTags to ui and ui-infra serverless.yml files (#17) (1eaa133)
- Add comp lib: Add macpro UI component library (#13) (b5e3ab6)
- add-frontend: Frontend POC (#8) (813847f)
- api-testing: Add api service and unit testing to all services (#11) (772ab4f)
- base update: Update from base template (#15) (82922f2), closes #52 #53 #56 #61 #62
- dynamodb-service: add dynamo table/service (#19) (eec0235)