The handover app provides a simple endpoint to submit a new database to be checked and copied to the staging server for further automated processing.
The handover app <./src/ensembl/handover/app/>
_ is a simple Flask app which defines endpoints for handover. After starting the app, full API documentation is available from /apidocs
The submission of a handover job triggers the submission of a celery <>
_ task (handover_database <>
_) which coordinates the necessary processes for checking and importing a database.
First clone this repo
git clone
cd ensembl-prodinf-handover
To install Python requirements using pip:
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install .
handover_api (for devlopment perpous)
Configuration is minimal and restricted to the contents of <./src/ensembl/handover/>
_ which is restricted solely to basic Flask properties.
To start the main application as a standalone Flask application:
flask run --port 5003 --host
or to start the main application as a standalone using gunicorn with 4 threads:
gunicorn -w 4 -b
Note that for production, a different deployment option should be used as the standalone flask app can only serve one request at a time.
There are multiple options, described at:
To use a standalone gunicorn server with 4 worker threads:
gunicorn -w 4 -b handover_app:app
The Celery task manager is currently used for coordinating handover jobs. The default backend in
is RabbitMQ. This can be installed as per
To start a celery worker to handle handover:
celery -A ensembl.production.handover.celery_app.tasks worker -l info -Q handover -n handover@%%h
sudo docker build -t handover .
sudo docker run -p 5000:5000 -it handover:latest