- Unity 2021.3.28f1
- Dlib FaceLandmarkDetector 1.3.4+
- OpenCV for Unity 2.5.5+
- Visual Scripting 1.8.0
- Download the latest release unitypackage. VisualScriptingWithDlibFaceLandmarkDetectorExample.unitypackage
- Create a new project.
- Import the OpenCVForUnity.
- Import the DlibFaceLandmarkDetector.
- Select MenuItem[Tools/OpenCV for Unity/Open Setup Tools].
- Click the [Move StreamingAssets Folder] button.
- Click the [Import OpenCV Example Package] button.
- Import the VisualScriptingWithOpenCVForUnityExample.unitypackage.
- Replace "Assets/VisualScriptingWithDlibFaceLandmarkDetectorExample/VisualScriptingSettings.asset" to "ProjectSettings/VisualScriptingSettings.asset".
- Project Settings > Visual Scripting > Regenerate Units