In November 2016, Mountain View voters passed Measure V also known as the Community Stabilization and Fair Rent Act (CSFRA).
The Rental Housing Committee (RHC) is established by the Community Stabilization and Fair Rent Act, and consists of five members and one alternate member.
Pursuant to the CSFRA, the Committee’s powers and duties include:
- Setting Rents at fair and equitable levels.
- Establish rules and regulations for administration and enforcement of the CSFRA.
- Determine and publicize the Annual General Adjustment.
- Appoint Hearing Officers to conduct hearings on Petitions for individual Rent Adjustments.
- Adjudicate petitions and issue decisions with orders for appropriate relief.
- Administer oaths and affirmations and subpoena witnesses and relevant documents.
- Establish a budget.
- Administer the withdrawal process for the removal of Rental Units from the rental housing market.
- Hold public hearings.
- Conduct studies, surveys, investigations and hearings.
- Report periodically to City Council.
- Publicize the provisions of the CSFRA.
- Establish a schedule of Penalties for non-compliance.
- Pursue civil remedies in courts of appropriate jurisdiction, subject to City Council approval.
- Intervene as an interested party in litigation with respect to Covered Rental Units, subject to City Council approval.
- Any other duties necessary to administer and enforce the CSFRA.
During a meeting of Mountain View's Rental Housing Committee meeting, a person spoke up during public comment. He noted that downloading the pdfs from the city website was:
- Difficult to find
- Difficult to read on a phone
- Lacking options for spanish speakers
Unfortunately, there is so much that needs to get done with this inagural committee that staff does not have the resources to convert these pdfs to mobile responsive html, so I decided to make a website that contains all the pdfs in html format. I also added a google translator function to allow ESL residents be informed to the decisions that the RHC is making.
In the future, I hope to turn this into a progressive web app that will allow push notifications whenever a new agenda is uploaded.
Please let me know if you have any questions, comments or concerns about this website. You can contact me at
This website is hosted on Github Pages and uses the Jekyll theme: Minimal. The individual files are in Markdown. Feel free to send any pull requests to imporve the website.