IMPORTANT: Please follow the below instructions sequencly to deploy the ARM template !!
Note 1: Customize the aks.json file with the desired parameter
Note 2: Template will create the cluster private and you can make it public by making the below parameter
in aks.json "false"
"apiServerAccessProfile": {
"enablePrivateCluster": true
Private Cluster: Without Public API Serve and must be managed from jump server
Public Cluster: With Public API Server and can be managed directly
1- Create Resource Group for AKS System name "aks-dev-elemam"
2- Create Resource Group for DNS name "Azure-DNS"
3- Create Resource Group for Network name "Network"
4- Create Resource Group for Storage name "Storage" and Create Storage Account from Cloud Shell
5- Create App Service domain from Azure or use your Domain
6- Create DNS Zone this is my domain name
7- Create in RG "Network" Virtual Network name "VN_EastUS"
8- Create in VN "VN_EastUS" 2 Subnets names "SN-AKS-System" and "SN-AKS-Workload"
Note: Template URI must be in a public repo
PS /home/mohamed> New-AzResourceGroupDeployment -Name d1 -ResourceGroupName aks-dev-elemam -mode Incremental
-TemplateParameterFile ./aks.json -verbose
PS /home/mohamed> az aks install-cli
#Add the AKS preview extension
PS /home/mohamed> az extension add --name aks-preview
PS /home/mohamed> az aks get-credentials --resource-group aks-dev-elemam --name aks-dev-elemam-01 --admin --overwrite-existing
mohamed@Azure:~$ sh
After Deploying ARM template will use script to create the cluster from cluster services template and
modify line 31 and 52 for the correct path for repo working directory
Check the following instructions:
1- Create Jump Server and access with MobaXterm
2- run the following commands:
root@Jumpbox:~# az login
root@Jumpbox:~# az aks get-credentials --resource-group rg-prd-aks --name aks-prd-eastus-01 --overwrite-existing
3- Copy the config file for the cluster to your local machine with the below command from your local machine:
C:\Users\elemamm> scp C:\Users\elemam\.kube
4- Open config file from your local machine with any editor and edit the private link from
to be "server: https://localhost:6443"
5- Create a new SSH tunnel from MobaXterm with the below parameters:
"local client port: 6443"
"SSH Server: (DNS NAME OF JUMPSERVER) and username emam and port 22"
"Remote Server: IP (from az portal > rg "aks-dev-elemam-01-nodes" > kube-apiserver.nic ( Port (443)
6- Install lens into your local machine
7- Open lens and add a cluster