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CVLenerginet edited this page Jan 20, 2025 · 20 revisions

Welcome to the MTB wiki,

MTB (Model Test Bench) is a test bench for automation of custom simulations in both PowerFactory and PSCAD with external visualizing of results. The MTB is meant as a tool to help guide facility owners in checking simulation and plant performance of RMS- and EMT-models in the context of the Danish grid code and the requirements for simulation models. Three sets of predefined cases are available based on the RfG (Requirements for Generators), DCC (Demand Connection Code) and unit-testing, with the option to add custom cases for further testing. The cases will differ depending on the nominal power of the plant and the voltage level to match the cases with either a DSO- or a TSO-connection.

Note: It is not a requirement to utilize the MTB when delivering models to Energinet, the use of the tool does not ensure or guarantee a model's compliance with the requirements neither; the tool is available for public use to investigate model compliance, but it is still the responsibilty of the plant owner, that models are compliant with the requirements applicable at any time and not with the tool itself. Please take your time and go through the MTB README. This contains a lot of information regarding requirements, contribution, contacts and more.

Quickstart Guides

To get started, make use of the quickstart guides below to setup and run the MTB in both PowerFactory and PSCAD.

The 'testcases.xlsx' document should be configured firstly, for a description of this configuration, follow the quickstart guide below.

After 'testcases.xlsx' is configured with model-specific information continue by setting up the test bench for PowerFactory and/or PSCAD. Follow the quickstart guides for either below.

Note: An example setup of the MTB for both PowerFactory and PSCAD can be found in the folder setup_examples. These are purely examples to showcase the setup of the MTB and the models used are not in any way representative of a compliant model or plant.

After running the MTB in PowerFactory and/or PSCAD, you can make use of the integrated Plotter tool for plotting the results. Follow the quickstart guide below.

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