I work for a small software company in Somerset; offering bespoke software solutions; working predominantly with C#, PHP and Microsoft Powerapps. I graduated from General Assembly's Software Engineering Immersive course in October 2022 after a 15 year career in the Utility Industry.
Portfolio: www.danemsley.com
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/danemsley
Email: emsleyd@gmail.com
Codewars: www.codewars.com/users/EmsleyD
PokeGotchi - A fullstack MERN application.
NutriC02 - A CRUD application built using; HTML, CSS, Python, JSON, JavaScript, Django and NoSQL.
Rate My Cat - A CRUD application built using; HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Express, Middleware, MongoDB and Mongoose.
Asteroid Belt - A Space-Invaders style game built using CSS, HTML, JavaScript & jQuery.
Weather Scraper - A Weather Scraper fetching data via an API call. Built with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Bootstrap.