This is a Machine Learning Microservice API project with a pre-trained sklearn
model that has been trained to predict housing prices in Boston according to several features, such as average rooms in a home and data about highway access, teacher-to-pupil ratios, and so on.
- Some of the screenshots are listed in the files folder.
- Clone the ptoject repo.
$ git clone
- Change to the project directory.
$ cd project-ml-microservice-kubernetes
- Create a virtualenv with Python 3.7 and activate it.
$ python3.7 -m venv ~/.devops && python3 -m ~/.devops/bin/activate && \
source ~/.devops/bin/activate
- Install the necessary system softwares.
$ ./
- Install the necessary project dependencies
$ make install
- Test project code using linting
$ make lint
- Run project unittests
$ make test
- Dockerize project and make a prediction (
if it fails run with sudo
$ ./
- Display docker log statements (
if it fails run with sudo
$ docker logs project-four
- Deploy containerized application to DockerHub (
if it fails run with sudo
$ ./
- Create a Kubernetes cluster and deploy a container using Kubernetes
$ ./
- Running application locally (
Standalone application
$ flask run
$ python
- Set your aws configuration using the
by running
$ sudo apt install awscli
$ aws configure
- deploy eks cluster
$ eks create cluster
our flask application file
file that exercise edge cases in code blocks
- Makefile:
make utility file which defines set of tasks to be executed
- Dockerfile:
file with instructions to build Docker images
- .hadolint.yaml:
supports hadolint configurations like the ingnoring rules.
- .dockerignore:
prevents files or folders from being listed in the build context
- requirements.txt:
file with listed project dependecies
:- These are output files with given provided exercise logs
:- These are script files with a sequence of commands run to perform a given task.
Matembu Emmanuel Dominic | Software/Devops Engineer