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Deployment of Statistics Features on Streamlit

Past due by about 2 years 64% complete

To perform data expertise for end-user, one must create a live product. NFT CollaBot design already contains Twitter and Discord extensions. On the other hand, the implementation of these extensions are too comprehensive. Nothing but the Streamlit library is the cure. This library facilitates the effort of the developers. The Streamlit library contributes…

To perform data expertise for end-user, one must create a live product. NFT CollaBot design already contains Twitter and Discord extensions. On the other hand, the implementation of these extensions are too comprehensive. Nothing but the Streamlit library is the cure. This library facilitates the effort of the developers. The Streamlit library contributes to the development of an end-user web product by enabling:

  • easy-to-deploy by synchronizing the GitHub repo
  • host domain service for non-budget projects
  • easy-to-test environment