TThe final project of the telephone directory written in React Live demo here.
- Task goal: learnig how to using JSON Web Token.
- Main setup and functionality.
- Homepage - an informational page about the application's capabilities.
- Account creation functionality utilizing the backend.
- After logging in, you can add, delete, and search contacts by name.
- Your data will not be lost; you can access it whenever you want.
Project is created with:
- React - 18.1.0
- Node.js v18.16.1
- JS
- redux
- reduxToolkit
- connections-api.herokuapp
- Routing
To run this project, install it locally using npm:
$ cd ../goit-react-hw-08-phonebook/
$ npm install
$ npm start
Project is: finall
- This project was based on template from this tutorial
- Many thanks for GoIT Team.
Created by @EmiliaWenta - feel free to contact me!