An easy to use library to programmatically control your DJI Tello in Java.
Only the normal DJI Tello, (non EDU edition) is supported. You can still access the EDU API using a custom command, but there is no support for Swarm control
Compile the gradle project and publish it to your local maven repository
./gradlew build
./gradlew publishToMavenLocal
Now include the project in your build.gradle
repositories {
dependencies {
implementation 'org.emeraldcraft:djitello4j:version'
On Windows, when you connect to your Tello drone, you must mark its Wi-Fi network as a private network!
Example Code can be found under the /examples/
This project uses FFmpeg and OpenCV for allowing you to be able to access the camera stream of the Tello, but these dependencies are massive (~100mb). Please use the opencv branch to be able to compile a version with camera support.