The repository contains the codebase for running fire localization, fire mapping and for publishing ground-truth poses.
Launching Nodes:
roslaunch rsun_fire_mapping mapping.launch
Running Fire Localization
cd rsun_fire_mapping
python3 src/
This node is reponsible for publishing a pose array on ros topic /hotspots/array containing the location of the hotspot with respect to the odom frame
Running Ground Truth Publisher
roslaunch rsun_fire_mapping gt_publisher.launch
Propogates the location of the hotspots provided in the launch file under the param name "gt_path". The locations of the hotspots are published as markers.
Running Fire Mapping
cd rsun_fire_mapping
python3 src/
This node subscribes to the fire hotspot array published by the fire localization node, conducts post-processing to identify distinct hotspots, and then broadcasts them as markers.