The goal of this extension is to provide a handy tool for reducing tab overload to gain focus and improving ease of navigating among them. It lets users to select certain tabs from a drop down menu, which displays currently opened tabs, and move them to a new window, reamaing the same order. The tabs are moved, meaning they stay in their previous states instead of being reloaded.
- Download/clone this repository
- In your Chrome Browser
- Click the three cloumn-dots on the top right corner
- Navigate to More tools -> Extensions
- In Extensions
- Turn on Developer mode on the top right corner
- Click Load unpacked (top left) and select the folder you just downloaded/cloned
- After that, you should see a folder icon next to the URL bar
this extension gives me inspiration and code examples to help me learn about Chrome api and js.
- Create keyboard shortcuts to do all operations
- Improve UI look and design