This project is a web-based tool that allows users to encode or decode text using Base64 encoding. It includes functionality for switching between Arabic and English languages, and provides options for copying the encoded/decoded result to the clipboard. allows users to view the current time and date in real-time, change the background color of the webpage, and customize the background of a specific section.
- Multi-Language Support: Easily toggle between Arabic and English languages for the interface.
- Base64 Encoding/Decoding: Encode input text or decode Base64 strings.
- Dynamic Output Updates: Real-time updates of the output based on user input and selection.
- Copy to Clipboard: One-click functionality to copy the output result.
- Code Editor with CodeMirror: Integrated advanced code editor with syntax highlighting for JavaScript.
- Real-Time Time and Date Display: Displays the current time and date and updates them every second.
- Background Color Customization: Allows users to select a background color for the entire page and a separate background color for a specific section (
). - Responsive Layout: The page layout adjusts based on the screen width, ensuring a good user experience on mobile devices.
Clone the repository:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory:
cd static-wep-malti-langueg
in any modern browser to use the tool.
- Use the "Language" button to switch between Arabic and English.
- Enter the text you want to encode or decode in the input box.
- Click the corresponding Encode or Decode button.
- View the result in the output box.
- Write JavaScript code in the integrated editor.
- Click the Run button to execute the code and view the result below the editor.
- Use the Clear button to clear the editor and result.
- Click the Undo button to revert to a previous version of the code.
- Click the Copy Result button to copy the output to the clipboard.
- Clone or download the project files to your local machine.
- Open the
file in your browser. - The page will display the current time and date, which will be updated every second.
- You can change the background color of the page and the
section by using the color pickers. - The layout will adapt to mobile devices by adjusting the width of the
section on smaller screens.
├── index.html # Main HTML file
├── uncode.html # Encoding/Decoding Html
├── code.html # Code Editing Html
├── static
├── style.css # CSS for styling
├── script.js # JavaScript functionality
├── code.js # JavaScript Code Editing
├── uncode.js # JavaScript Encoding/Decoding
├── # Project documentation
Dynamic Language Switching:
const languageToggle = document.getElementById("language-toggle"); languageToggle.addEventListener("click", () => { const currentLang = document.documentElement.lang; setLanguage(currentLang === "en" ? "ar" : "en"); });
Base64 Encoding/Decoding:
encodeButton.addEventListener("click", () => { try { outputField.value = btoa(inputField.value); } catch (error) { alert("Invalid characters for encoding."); } }); decodeButton.addEventListener("click", () => { try { outputField.value = atob(inputField.value); } catch (error) { alert("Invalid Base64 string."); } });
CodeMirror Integration:
const editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(document.getElementById("code"), { mode: "javascript", lineNumbers: true, theme: "monokai", autoCloseBrackets: true, matchBrackets: true }); document.getElementById("run").onclick = () => { const userCode = editor.getValue(); document.getElementById("rusalt").innerHTML = userCode; };
Copy to Clipboard:
copyButton.addEventListener("click", () => { if (outputField.value) { navigator.clipboard.writeText(outputField.value); alert("Result copied to clipboard!"); } else { alert("Nothing to copy. Please generate a result first."); } });
Time and Date Update
- The time and date are updated dynamically using JavaScript and displayed in the
elements, respectively. - The time is updated every second to keep it accurate.
- The time and date are updated dynamically using JavaScript and displayed in the
Background Color Customization
- Users can choose a background color for the entire page using the color input (
<input type="color" id="color">
). - Users can also customize the background color for the
section with another color input (<input type="color" id="color2">
). - The selected colors are saved using
, so the colors remain the same when the page is refreshed.
- Users can choose a background color for the entire page using the color input (
Feel free to fork the repository and submit pull requests for improvements or bug fixes.
This project is open-source and available under the MIT License.