Exposing and Visualizing the Filter Bubbles that surround our news consumption.
“If you only see posts from folks who are like you, you’re going to be surprised when someone very unlike you wins the presidency,” - Eli Pariser (Author of “The Filter Bubble: What the Internet is Hiding from you”)
In his book “The Power Habit” Charles Duhigg (around page 120) describes how a study epitomizing how effective journaling daily food intake can be for people who wanted to loose weight. Although difficult at first, people who recorded their diet, six months into the study, had lost twice as much weight as those who didn’t. It is not unwarranted to imagine that being conscious of how we consume information may have similar positive impacts in our lives and thus the world. While there is an important difference between automating the recording with consciously journaling it in, the awareness of patters can still exist. May it serve us well.