A Java inverse kinematics library implementing the FABRIK algorithm.
The Fabiko library is a hard fork of the Caliko library.
The user guide can be found on the repository wiki.
- FABRIK algorithm for 3D
- various joint constraints (Local Rotor, Global Rotor, Local Hinge, Global Hinge)
- ability to connect multiple IK chains together in a hierarchy
- visualization of IK chains
This library does not implement the FABRIK algorithm for 2D.
Improvements over Caliko
- migrated build system from maven to gradle
- refactored entire library to use JOML for algebra operations instead of Caliko's own custom algebra operators
- reduced object allocations
- updated & improved JUnit tests
- migrated performance tests to jmh
- fix backward pass failing to constrain local & global hinges of non-base bones (doesn't seem to make any difference)
- no support for 2D FABRIK
- requires JOML
- add GitHub action workflow for building releases automatically from conventional commits
- add prismatic joint/constraint
- refactor FABRIK algorithm to properly use Quaternions or redesign it to use Dual-Quaternions?
The library is licensed under the MIT software license.
- Caliko, a free open-source software (FOSS) implementation of the FABRIK (Forward And Backward Reaching Inverse Kinematics) algorithm created by Aristidou and Lasenby.
- JOML, a math library for linear algebra operations needed by 3D Applications.
Further details on the FABRIK algorithm itself can be found in the following paper:
Aristidou, A., & Lasenby, J. (2011). FABRIK: a fast, iterative solver for the inverse kinematics problem. Graphical Models, 73(5), 243-260.
The library is a multi-module gradle project with the following modules:
The core module contains the core IK portion of the library and has a dependency on JOML
The visualisation module contains the optional visualisation component of the library which provides the ability to draw various IK structures/chains/bones and depends on the core Fabiko functionality as well as the LWJGL 3.3.5 library.
The demo module contains a demonstration of the library utilising both 2D and 3D IK chains in various configurations. It requires the fabiko-core, fabiko-visualisation and LWJGL 3.3.5 libraries.
To build yourself:
git clone https://github.com/Elenterius/Fabiko
gradlew build
To include the library in your own project use the jitpack maven repository or download a release from GitHub.
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.Elenterius:Fabiko:TAG'