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Elenterius edited this page Aug 18, 2023 · 1 revision
Digester Bio-Machine Block

The Digester is a bio-machine that usually consumes Water to process Raw Biomass or Crushed Biomass into fluid Nutrient Slurry and an optional byproduct known as Digestate.

  • consumes 1 mb of water per tick
  • stores up to 32,000 mb of Water
  • stores 32,000 mb of output fluid
  • will pull biomass from the block it is attached to
  • will actively insert the fluid output into the block it is attached to
  • on successful crafting emits a redstone pulse (2 game ticks, strength 15)
  • comparators will emit a signal strength of 15 while crafting


Input Ticks Output Output Amount Byproduct Byproduct Amount Byproduct Chance
Crushed Biomass 100 Nutrient Slurry 400 mb Digestate 1 0.85
Poor Biomass 189 Nutrient Slurry 200 mb Digestate 1 0.15
Average Biomass 351 Nutrient Slurry 400 mb Digestate 1 0.3
Raw Meat 351 Nutrient Slurry 400 mb Digestate 1 0.3
Good Biomass 490 Nutrient Slurry 600 mb Digestate 1 0.5
Cooked Meat 490 Nutrient Slurry 600 mb Digestate 1 0.5
Superb Biomass 540 Nutrient Slurry 800 mb Digestate 1 0.6