This github repository provides details on the data generation (including visualizations and other validation parameters) process for the following article (journal assigned ID: forensicsci-1982685):
Stull et al. 2023 -- Subadult Age Estimation using the Mixed Cumulative Probit and a Contemporary United States Population. Forensic Sciences. Special Issue: Estimating Age in Forensic Anthropology. Special Issue editors: Dr. Kanya Godde and Dr. Rebecca Taylor.
To cut straight to the chase (i.e., running some code), see the section Quicksteps below, which does assume some familiarity with R and the command line / terminal.
The optimizations and other calculations that form the basis for the models and results presented in this publication take a long time (many months). Consequently, our pipeline consists of a range of scripts and .Rmd files run separately from each other on multiple computers. This entailed moving and renaming some files. In the following paragraphs we describe all the steps in detail. Relevant scripts and other files are included in this github repository.
The very first step in our pipeline is the creation of distinct training and
test datasets. This is accomplished with the script train-test.R.
The input to the script is the file "data/SVAD_US.csv" and the two output files are:
The next step is to do maximum likelihood fits and model selection for each model based on a combination of mean and noise response. A separate fit is done for each of the six distinct possible models for each ordinal variable and each of two distinct possible models for each continuous variable. Furthermore, a separate set of fits is needed for each of nine distinct variables sets or combinations:
- dentition ("US_dent"),
- epiphyseal fusion and ossification ("US_ef_oss"),
- eighteen-variable uncollapsed ("US_eighteen_var"),
- eighteen-variable collapsed ("US_eighteen_var_c"),
- long bones ("US_lb"),
- proximal dist uncollapsed ("US_prox_dist"),
- proximal dist collapsed ("US_prox_dist_c"),
- all variables uncollapsed ("US_all"),
- all variables collapsed ("US_all_c". Each of these variable sets has a corresponding variable information ("var_info") file in the /data folder.
For additional context and details on each of the steps done to fit the models, please see the vignette at In addition, we provide an example script for one set of variables, the all variables uncollapsed. The script is named "US_all_example.R". To avoid overwriting the files used for subsequent steps, we output the files to the folder "results_US_all_example". If the folder does not already exist, it is first created.
The first parts of the script involve preprocessing to prepare for the next step of univariate optimizations. The following files are generated:
/data/SVAD_US_train_reformatted.csv /data/SVAD_US_test_reformatted.csv /results_US_all_example/problem_US_all.rds
The two reformatted files in the /data folder were written over when we
processed each var_info file, unless save_file=F
was specified in the header of the corresponding chunk of R code.
The missing data results, Figure 1 in the manuscript, use the results of the "all variables uncollapsed" model.
After preprocessing, we performed univariate model optimizations. This step generates a number of .rds files with names beginning with solutiony. These contain the univariate fits for each variable and model choice (mean and noise combinations).
Next, the AIC criterion is used to choose among univariate model parameterizations. This yields the following model evaluation file:
The results of AIC criterion model selection also yield the following parameterization file:
This file was used to generate Figures 5 and 6 in the manuscript.
Next, the univariate models chosen by the AIC criterion in the previous step are combined to yield the conditionally independent model, which is saved in the following file:
Next, the optimization is done for the multivariate conditionally dependent model, for which the conditionally independent model provides the starting parameter vector for the maximum likelihood maximization. The resulting file(s) hold the maximum likelihood solutions for the multivariate optimizations. Conditional dependence optimizations take a great deal of time to run. Since it is unrealistic that all users will want to run the optimizations themselves, we provide the resulting files in the directories that start with results in this repository. The multivariate optimization in the sample code yields the following file:
The specific optimization results may vary slightly if code is rerun with different random number seeds since the optimizations utilize randomness at key points. This applies also to the optimization that yields the prior parameterization on x (th_x, see below). In addition, we have noticed occasional differences in the behavior of the random number seeds and concluded that the following three factors may influence the behavior: (1) operating system, (2) R environment (e.g., Rstudio versus base R), and (3) whether one is running a script or a R markdown file. It's not obvious that the random number seed functionality is "to blame" per se as there may be nuanced interactions with such things as floating point number representations (or even non-nuanced non-interactions that we just didn't successfully identify in our sleuthing). All-in-all, these discrepancies have been rare, but we have not always been able to pin them down to specific causes.
The next step is to create model selection results for the multivariate models, again using AIC as the criterion. This does not inherently yield any file(s) at present, but reports the AIC values for both conditionally independent (cindep) and conditionally dependent (cdep) multivariate models.
A Weibull offset mixture is applied to the training dataset x-variable as a parameterization for the prior on x. A single parameterization was conducted on the full training set. This prior parameterization yields the following file:
This file is used for new predictions using the optimized and selected models. While we have chosen this approach for the present analysis, we recognize that one of the complexities of growth is that not all variables are available across the same age range, and therefore may only be appropriate in certain contexts. For example, diaphyseal long bone lengths are not measured after epiphyseal fusion is complete. Therefore, most (if not all) individuals in our sample after the age of 15 do not have diaphyseal lengths to use in age estimation. A prior on x that ranges from 0 to 21 may therefore not be the most appropriate prior distribution for long bone models. Put somewhat differently, that an observation is missing/non-missing may itself be informative, and one way to accommodate this is through the use of different priors. Since a too informative can over-influence the posterior, however, we chose to use the same prior for all models. This choice does influence the performance metrics.
As previous mentioned, the same order of operations found in US_all_example.R was used to optimize and select different combinations of variables into nine multivariate models, resulting in the following folders containing univariate and multivariate model optimizations and selection results:
(/results_US_all_example *example script only, not actually in repo)
The testing sample is used to evaluate performance of each univariate and multivariate model. Using the model selection results for univariate models (/results_univariate/eval_data_US_all.rds), the solutiony file containing the selected model is imported. Next, each individual in the testing sample is run through the selected solutiony model to calculate a posterior probability distribution on x. The posterior probability distribution is then analyzed for measures of centrality (mean, mode, median), and 95% and 99% Credible Intervals (CrI) using highest posterior interval (hdi). This process yields one _test_predictions.csv file per univariate model. For example:
The same process was followed for both conditionally independent (cindep) and conditionally dependent (cdep) multivariate models using the testing dataset. This process yields one _test_predictions.csv file per multivariate model. For example:
/results_US_all_example/cindep_US_all_test_predictions.csv /results_US_all_example/cdep_US_all_test_predictions.csv
*NOTE: ** For file organization purposes, all _test_predictions.csv files across multiple /results_ folders were copied into the following separate folder:
These files were used to generate Figures 7, 8, 13, 14, 15 and 17 in the manuscript.
From each file in /test-predictions, model performance metrics such as testing accuracy and root-mean-squared-error (RMSE) are calculated and compiled into a single file:
A third model performance metric, [Negative] Test Mean Log Posterior (TMLP), is not yet integrated into the same process as above, because it takes a substantially longer amount of time to calculate per model. TMLP was calculated for each selected univariate model and both cindep and cdep multivariate models and stored in the following file:
Results from both the model performance and TMLP steps were combined into a single dataframe and output to the following file:
A standalone script is provided to demonstrate this process.
This file was used for generating Table 7 in the manuscript.
Ordinal stage credible interval (CrI) tables were also generated for each ordinal univariate model. They consist of the defined point estimate (mean), 95% and 99% CrIs for each ordinal stage. This process yields one ordinal_ci_ file per ordinal univariate model. For example:
Each .rds file was also saved as a .csv file and stored in a new folder for file organization purposes. For example:
/ci-tables/ordinal_ci_US_all_max_M1.csv /ci-tables/ordinal_ci_US_all_HME_EF.csv
These files were used to generate Figures 9, 10, and 11 in the manuscript.
To compare the point estimates and 95% CrIs between uncollapsed and collapsed epiphyseal fusion variables, ordinal_ci_ files were generated for proximal and distal epiphyseal fusion variables. The intermediate fusing stages of the uncollapsed seven-stage scoring method (0, 1, 1/2, 2, 2/3, 3, 4) were combined into a single point estimate using the mean, and the 95% CrI was expanded to include the minimum and maximum ages among the three collapsed stages (1/2, 2, and 2/3). The resulting files are stored as:
/data/collapsed_ci.rds /data/uncollapsed_ci.rds
These files were used to generate Figure 12 in the manuscript.
Kullback-Leibler Divergence is used to describe the amount of "information" that is gained by a model's posterior distribution compared to the prior distribution. This information is referred to as "bits" of information. To demonstrate the differences between model information, a single individual ("US_0088") was selected because they had no missing information (i.e. missing data) for the univariate/multivariate models of choice. The process yielded the following files:
/data/US_0088.rds /data/fprior.rds /data/US_88_list.rds /data/kl_div_table.csv
A standalone script is provided that demonstrates how the caluclations were performed.
These files were used to produce Figure 16 in the manuscript.
Additional models were generated to generate sex-specific age estimates based on epiphyseal fusion univariate models (HPE_EF, TPE_EF) and compare them to the default pooled-sex models. The sex-specific models were left out of the model performance step, and are purely for demonstrative and discussion purposes. This process yielded the following files:
/ci-tables/ordinal_ci_US_all_c_HPE_EF_sex-F.csv /ci-tables/ordinal_ci_US_all_c_HPE_EF_sex-M.csv /ci-tables/ordinal_ci_US_all_c_TPE_EF_sex-F.csv /ci-tables/ordinal_ci_US_all_c_TPE_EF_sex-M.csv
These files were used to generate Figure 18 in the manuscript.
NOTE: command line / terminal is assumed
Clone the repository, change directory, and start R:
git clone
cd fs_mcp_us
Install yada (plus other dependencies as needed, though many users will already have them).
As necessary:
The version of yada prior to article re-submission (on the dev branch; if necessary, add force=TRUE):
If desired, comment out the multivariate optimization near the end of the script, which could take over a month. Then run the example script:
The above script will complete all processes of model 1) optimization, 2) selection, and 3) prediction. To calculate model performance metrics, run the corresponding script:
Next, to calculate K-L Divergence metrics (another form of model performance), run the following script:
The preceding steps should be enough to generate all files needed to create the tables and figures included in the manuscript.
Create the publication results by rendering the following R markdown file:
rmarkdown::render('visualizations.Rmd', output_file = 'visualizations.html')